Computer History

  • Mar 28, 1492

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    Drawings by Leonardo da Vinci depict inventions such as flying machines, including a helicopter, the first mechanical calculator and one of the first programmable robots. I think any action done by Leonardo da Vinci is important, many of his inventions although modified are still used today. Many aspects of his drawings helped with other inventions throughout the age.
  • Arithmometer

    The Arithmometer was the first mass-produced calculator invented by Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar. Caluclators are still used today very often no matter what age. Calculators and math are also used within computers.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Samuel Morse invents Morse code. Morse code saved the US many times and is still used in differnt forms today.
  • Nikola Telsa

    Nikola Telsa
    The remote control was invented by Nikola Telsa. Without the remote we would still have to get up every time we wanted to change the volume or channel. All television's still use remote controls.
  • Hideo Yamachito

    Hideo Yamachito
    The first electronic computer is created in Japan by Hideo Yamachito.This was a very big step for computers, electronic computers are still used today although they are extremely different.
  • Silicon Chip

    Silicon Chip
    The first integrated circuit, or silicon chip, is produced by the US Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce. Chips are used in most all electronics today and are a big part of them.
  • The First Computer Game

    The First Computer Game
    The first computer game Spacewar Computer Game invented BY Steve Russell & MIT. Computer games are very popular today. They have also branched of and become video games and hand held games
  • Email

    Email was invented by Ray Tomlinson. Email has become one of the most popular forms of communtication in the century
  • EBay

    EBay was founded by Pierre Omidyar. EBay is still used today for the selling of products.
  • The Computer Mouse

    The Computer Mouse
    Douglas Engelbart invents and patents the first computer mouse. It was called the "mouse" because the tail came out the end. Computer mouse'