Jan 17, 1492
Da Vinci
Drawings by Leonardo da Vinci depict inventions such as flying machines, including a helicopter, the first mechanical calculator and one of the first programmable robots. I think this is one of many things that made the imagination of computers real. -
Morse Code
Samuel Morse invents Morse code. I think this is what made keyboards and other messaging inventions possible. It also helped with technology. -
Radio signals were invented by Guglielmo Marconi. I think that this is what helped peopel to realize that it is possible to make signals go from one area to another. It helped predict what we could do in the future. -
First Computer
The first electronic computer is created in Japan by Hideo Yamachito. I think that this is important as it was a rreminder that this was possible and can be achieved. It also pushed others to make better technology. -
The compact disc is invented in the United States. I think that this was very important as it helped aid the production of videos, disks, and harddrives. -
Hotmail is started by Jack Smith and Sabeer Bhatia. It is a free web based email service. I think that this is an important event because it is what started the foudation of emailing and computer communication. -
PC computers
Over 45 million PCs are in use in the United States. It shows how much we as everday users rely on computers, and how many people have one. -
Google is founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page on September 7, 1998. I think that this is important because it opens a whole new area of computers that we didnt think was possible. For example typing in a question and having the answer pop up. -
During this year PC relesed a number of i billion pc computers were sold. It shows how much the computer world has changed from 1990 to 2002. I think that it shows how computers have changed. -
Skype releases that they have over 100 million users. It shows that how much technology has grown. It proves that the impossible may be possible.