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Computer History

  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    Z1 computer created by Konrad Zuse. On here because it is the freely programmable computer that paves the way for modern computers.
  • First patent computer

    First patent computer
    Presper Eckert and John Mauchly were the first people to patent a computer. It was called the ENIAC computer. Added because it included the binary system and parallel processing.
  • UNIVAC Computer

    UNIVAC Computer
    first comercial computer. important because it leads the way to computers seen in stores today
  • Spacewar computer game

    Spacewar computer game
    First computer game ever invented. Here because without it who knows what will be in place of computer games todays?
  • Internet birth

    Internet birth
    ARPAnet is the first internet. Very big part of computer history. Without the internet I wouldn't be doing this today.
  • Floppy disk creation

    Floppy disk creation
    without the floppy disk today we wouldn't be able to store memory.
    easy use and an important part of computer history. That is why it is here.
  • First computers for consumers

    First computers for consumers
    Apple is born , Commodore PET, and TRS-80. This is here because without these first consumer computers we will not have the great computers we have the one today.
  • first computer with GUI

    first computer with GUI
    GUI is what we see on our screen. Pull down menus and everything. I put this here because without this first GUI computer we won't be able to have the really cool graphics on the computer too.
  • Microsoft hits 1 billion

    Microsoft hits 1 billion
    Microsoft exceeds $1 billion in sales. The computer buisness is booming and this is here because this shows how fast people are becoming interested in computers.
  • wikipedia comes online

    wikipedia comes online
    important website in internet history. Here because millions of people know about it and it is very key.