Computer history

  • Flip Flop circuit

    Flip Flop circuit
    Eccles and Jordan, invent the flip-flop circuit. It was used for high speed electronic calculating. I think this is important because without it calculating would be slow.
  • Electric Typewriter

    Electric Typewriter
    This electric typewriter was introduced by IBM. This was important, because then people could actually type.
  • First video game

    First video game
    The first video game was developed by grad student Steve Russell at MIT. This wasn't necessarly important, but a lot of people like video games so without this we propably wouldn't have video games to day.
  • Floppy disk

    Floppy disk
    IBM develops the first floppy disk. I added this, because with out it they wouldn't beable to save storage.
  • First pocket calculater

    First pocket calculater
    Texas Instruments produces the first pocket calculator. This is important because it was the first pocket caculater. Without it we wouldn't have them.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Apple II computer is introduced at a trade show.
    This is important to me because it was the begining of apple.
  • First laptop

    First laptop
    The first "laptop" computer, the TRS-80 Model 100.
    I like laptop and this was the first one.
  • Imac

    Apple releases the iMac.
  • First Iphone

    First Iphone
    The first Iphone released.