Computer His tory

By began15
  • First electronic computer

    First electronic computer
    The very first computer opened doors for a bright, intellegent future for computers. It was the fist idea that we could have anything like it
  • Silicon Chip is produced Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce

    Silicon Chip is produced Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce
    A silicon chip is a vital part of having a computer at all
  • First Computer game invented Steve Russell & MIT

    First Computer game invented Steve Russell & MIT
    Computer games are a huge industry now, and very popular
  • IBM introduces first word processor

    IBM introduces first word processor
    Today, word processers allow us to create formal documents without having to use a typewriter
  • Altair produces first portable computer

    Altair produces first portable computer
    A portable computer allows information to travel anywhere
  • Apple computers founded Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak

    Apple computers founded Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak
    The first Apple computer was built by Steve Wozniak
    App;e is now a huge company, creating many of todays popoular products. This computer was the first step towards a Mac
  • First Commercial Laptop released

    First Commercial Laptop released
    The first laptop for the public was relesed, making computers portable.
    Although desktops are great, a laptop much more convienent. It allows us to carry and acsess information anywhere
  • World Wide Web released to public

    World Wide Web released to public
    World wide web was introduced, opening a world of information to the public
    The internet holds information and makes it available to the public. It has been integrated into our lives, any many people can't imagine living without it.
  • Google is founded Sergy Brin & Larry Page

    Google is founded Sergy Brin & Larry Page
    Google, the most popular search engine, was created. Two Standford students created it with the idea of a better and more reliable search system.
    Goolge is widely used around the world, and everyone with acess to a computer uses it. It introduced a new way to find information on the web.
  • First itouch comes out

    First itouch comes out
    First itouch came out. Created by apple.
    It was one of the revolutionary steps towards tablets and touch screens. The touch screen is growing more and more in popularity and convienence