
By Catz
  • Complex Number Calculator (CNC)

    Complex Number Calculator (CNC)
    The Complex Number Calculator was invented in 1939 but not used/produced untill 1940. It was made by George Stibitz. He was born April 20, 1904 in York PA and died January 31, 1995 Hanover NH and won the IEEE Emanuel R. Piore award
  • Z3 Computer

    Z3 Computer
    The Z3 was a early German made computer made by Konrad Zuse. The computer was destroyed during a bombing run in 1943 Zuse later supervised the reconstruction in the 1960's.
  • Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)

    Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)
    Was fully completed in 1942 after an amezing prototype in 1939.It was built in Iowa State College (now University) by Prof. John Vincent Atanasoff.
  • ENIAC Computer

    ENIAC Computer
    Nick named Project Whirlwind the ENIAC was made to simulate bomber tests in WWII. This would later influence The SAGE Program.
  • Harvard Mark-1

    Harvard Mark-1
    It was designed by IGM. It was allowed to be first used in Harvard College. it was allowed by Prof. Howard Aiken.
  • ENIAC Improved

    John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert increased this machine 1000 times. It takes up about 1,000 square feet.
  • Practical Random-Access memory

    Sir Fredrick Williams of Manchester University modified a catehod-ray tube to be able to paint dots and dashes phosphorescent electrical charge on the screen.
  • First practical stored program

    Muarice Wilkes created the EDSAC. With theair help they were able to create the first stored computer program.
  • ERA 1101

    This was the first commercaily produced computer. The first buyer was the U.S. Navy.
  • IAS Computer

    This was made by John Von Neumann at the Inatitute for Advanced Studies in Princeton N.J. allowed builders to share their designs with the other institutes.
  • Magnetic Core

    At MIT Jay Forester created and implanted the Magnetic Core. This made computers run much faster and smoother.
  • TRADIC System

    Felker and Harris made the TRADIC at the AT&T Bell Labratory. It has the ability to operate on less than 100 Watts.
  • Android Watch

    The battery cost 40 dollars alone. you do everything a android can do.
  • Oculuc Rift

    Founded by Palmer Luckey. They made a found raiser called kickstarter and raised 2.4 million dollars
  • Google Glasses

    Google's first entry to the new technology. just like a pair of glasses but you can accses the internet