
  • Chester Carlson

    Chester Carlson
    chester carlson invented a dry printing process called electrophotography a xerox a foundation technology for laser printers
  • The first Computer

    The first Computer
    the first computer was made
  • The first Computer Part 2

    The first Computer Part 2
    the first computer was made to generate pictures
  • The first Computer Part 3

    The first Computer Part 3
    the first computer commercial was produced
  • The first Digital Image

    The first Digital Image
    the first digital image was produced on a computer by russell kirsch
  • First Mouse

    First Mouse
    the xerox’s palo alto research center created the first mouse for a computer
  • apple launched the macintosh

    apple launched the macintosh
    apple launched the macintosh the first successful personal mouse driven computer with a
    graphic interface surface
  • display

    thomas knoll writes a program called display
  • image pro

    image pro
    thomas knoll writes a new program called image pro
  • the move to digital formats

    the move to digital formats
    the move to digital formats was helped by the formation of the first jpeg and mpeg standards
  • apple introduced a new computer

    apple introduced a new computer
    apple introduced an all new all in one computer called the i mac
  • Apple released a new computer

    Apple released a new computer
    apple launched the new i mac pro imac and macbook pro
  • Today

    Today in modern technology we have tons of different kinds of computers coming from brands like microsoft windows and apple.