

  • First Computer Made

    First Computer Made
    The First Computer Was Made
  • Remote Control

    Remote Control
    Remote control was invented by Nikola Tesla
  • Basic

    Basic stands for 'beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code' program gave the computer access to any non-science students.
  • Internet

    The original Internet starts to be used
  • Microprofessor

    The first microprocessor was made
  • Networking

    Networking started
  • First Consumer Computers Made

    The first consumer computers.
  • Word Processors

    Word Processors Was made
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft begins the friendly war with Apple.
  • MicrosoftMS-DOS Computer Operating System

    From "Quick And Dirty" comes the operating system of the century.
  • Java

    Java was origionally designed for interactive televisionand computer programming.