Images 8


  • communist manifesto

    communist manifesto
  • russian reolution starts birth place of commuism

    russian reolution starts birth place of commuism
    this is the birthplace of communism
  • lennin dies joseph becomes leader


    more then one million die in ukraine from famine
  • the great terror begins

  • nazi relations

    stallin signs the non-aggression act with the nazi's
  • estonia and lithuania

    these two countries are illlegally occupied and annexed by USSR
  • germany invades

    germany ivades societ union which starts WWII and makes the allies join
  • WWII ends

    soveit union controls east germany
  • outside relations

    winston churchill gives iron curtain speech
  • US enters

    the truman doctrine is announced to prevent further spread of commuism

    czehosloakia and north korea become communist
  • more countries

    even more countries fall to the communist way of life

    north korea invades south korea
  • more genocide

    more genocide
    massive genocide kills almost 2 millon people
  • rejection of communism

    solidarity is formed to prevent further spread of communism
  • berlin wall falls

    eastern and central europe reject communism and the berlin wall is torn down
  • USSR

    the ussr dissolves as a country
  • communism still remains

    china cuba north koea and vietnam remanin communist