Defined communicative competence not only as anherent grammatical competence but also as the ability to use grammatical competence in a variety of communicative situations -
She defined communicative competence as the ability to function in truly communicative setting it is dynamic and interactive. -
canale and swain model
They argue that communicative competence minimally includes three main competencies: grammatical, discourse and strategic competence.
Grammatical: syntax, semantics, morphology, phonology...
discourse: meaningful unity of spoken or written texts; cohesion and coherence
Strategic Competence: "To know how" deal with communication problems; paraphrase, circumlocution, repetition, reluctance, avoidance of words etc. -
canale and swain
They argue that communicative competence includes gramatitical, social and discourse competence and understood it like a system of knowledge and skill need for communication -
The knowledge of linguistic and sociolinguistic conventions. He makes a difference between competence and capacity. -
Proposed use the term communicative proficiency -
He suggested using the term communicative language ability because it combines communicative proficiency and communicative competence -
canale and swain
language ability is comprised in two broad areas:
1. language knowledge: it has 2 components organizational that is compounded by grammatical and textual knowledge and grammatical is compounded by vocabulary, morphology and graphology and textual knowledge enables comprehension and production and pragmatic knowledge refers to abilities for creating and interpreting knowledge.
2. strategic knowledge: it is a set of metacognitive components which enable language user involvement in goal setting. -
the CEF, communicative competence is conceived only in terms of
knowledge. It includes three basic components – language competence, sociolin-
guistic competence and pragmatic competence