Chomsky introduces the elements "competence - performance", where the first implies shared knowledge of the ideal speaker - listener relation in a homogeneous speech community and the second is the actual use of the language in specific situations (underlying knorledge) Chomsky to define communicative competence, limited it only to linguistic competence. -
Communicative competence is mediated by components of the linguistic interaction structured under the acronym SPEAKING. Hymes consider that is necessary to distinguish two kinds of competence:linguistic competence that deals with producing and understanding grammatically correct sentences,and communicative competence that deals with producing and understanding sentences that are appropriate and acceptable to a particular situation. He says that social life affects the competence itself. -
The communicative abilities have to be developed at the same time as the linguistic skills; otherwise the mere acquisition of the linguistic skills may inhibit the development of communicative abilities. Widdowson suggests that we more than to understand speak, read and write sentences, is to know how sentences are used to communicate. -
He distinguishes two aspects of performance: “usage” and “use.” He explains that “usage” refers to knowledge of linguistic rules, whereas “use” refers to use his knowledge of linguistic rules for effective communication. Other aspects are "significance” and “value.” Significance is the meaning that sentences have in isolation and value is the meaning that sentences take on when they are used to communicate. -
Communicative competence becomes the use of language in a given situation and context (HYMES) with specific intentions. His contribution lies in the establishment of a series of functions that entail the exchange of meanings and occurs when people simply interact. The seven functions proposed by Halliday (1978) are grouped into instrumental, regulatory, interpersonal, personal, heuristic, imaginative and representative. -
Canale and Swain believe that the sociolinguistic work of Hymes is important to the development of a communicative approach to language learning. They strongly believe that the study of grammatical competence is as essential to the study of communicative competence as is the study of sociolinguistic competence. Canale and Swain propose their own theory of communicative competence that minimally includes three main competencies: grammatical, sociolinguistic and strategic competence. -
Stern and Rivers maintain that these two levels of language teaching (“skill-getting”and “skill-using”) should offer the possibility of greater or lesser emphasis on each aspect at different stages of a language program. Stern proposes the following language curriculum to help the students acquire communicative competence in the classroom.
Structural - Functional - Sociocultural. As Stern points out,the activity “offers the learner a chance of developing coping techniques. -
Bachman and Palmer (1996) propose a new reorganization for communicative competence based on two major components called knowledge: organizational knowledge and pragmatic knowledge. The strategic competence is based on verbal and nonverbal communicative resources that will serve either to activate the interaction of the language areas of the communicative competence, (ie, communicative competence : the organizational and the pragmatic, thematic knowledge; affective scheme). -
The affective scheme, strategic competence, learning strategies, learning styles and multiple intelligences, as well as at the level of development of specific knowledge (Maturana, Restrepo & Ferreira, 2009). they are elements with which the level of communicative competence developed can be inferred as well as the factors that enhance or interfere with such development. -
The communicative competence can be defined as a “globalizing construct that encompasses the skills, abilities and knowledge that the language user must use to interact effectively in various social contexts” with specific intentions.