The communicative competence is understood as the knowledge and required abilities in order to use the language in a social context.- He speaks about communicative competence in terms of competence and performace. The competence is the shared knowledge of the ideal speaker-listener relation in a homogeneous speech community and performance means applying underlying knowledge to the language use.
He established a set of functions that lead to an interchange of meaning through interaction. -
The communicative competence is understood as the knowledge and required abilities to use the language in a social context.
He considered 8 important components for interaction. -
Speaks about competence and performance.
It is necessary to distinguish two kinds of competence: linguistic competence, which deals with producing and understanding grammar sentences and communicative competence that deals with producing and understanding sentences that are appropriate to a situation. -Hymes defines communicative competence as a knowledge of the rules for understanding and producing both referential and social meaning of language. -
He described dual competence in reception and single competence in production in lower-class African-American children who distinguish Standard English and the variant
Black English in recognition,but use only Black English for production. -
-Views language learning not only as acquiring the knowledge of grammar rules, but also acquiring the ability to use the language to communicate.
Four important terms are necessary. Usage, defined as the knowledge of linguistic rules which leads to significance, that is the meaning of isolated words .
Use: The use of linguistic rules for communication and value, which is the meaning of sentences when they are used to communicate. -
Swain and Canale
They defined communicative competence in three components, by taking Hymes model: Grammatical, sociolinguistic and strategic competence. -
Swain and Canale
-Their work focuses on the interaction of social context, grammar and social meaning. -They believed that gramatical forms must be screeneed for a criteria. -
Defines strategic competence as the general ability one has to do the most effective usage of the available abilities to carry out a specific task. -
Bachman and Palmer
-They talk about the strategic competence which is the metacognitive strategies and components in the language usage. -They proposed two new components known as organizational and pragmatic knowledge. -
Defines communicative competence as a globalized construct including abilities, dexterities and knowledge to effectively interact in different social contexts.