(By competence) shared knowledge of the ideal speaker – listener. Set in a completely homogeneous speech community. -
The establishment of a series of functions that involve the exchange of meanings and occurs when people simply interact. -
“Carries to its perfection the desire to deal in practice only with what is internal to language, yet to find in that internality that in theory is the widest of deepest human significance.” -
Linguistic competence co-varies with the speaker.
Dual competence in reception and single competence in production in lower-class African-American children who distinguish Standard English and the variant Black English in recognition, but use only Black English for production. -
Seven functions: exchange of meanings: Instrumental, regulatory, interpersonal, personal, heuristic, imaginative and representative. -
Knowing language is more than how to understand, speak, read and write sentences, but how sentences are used to communicate. “We do not only learn how to compose and comprehend correct sentences as isolate linguistic units of random occurrence; but also, how sentences appropriately to achieve communicative purposes”. -
Swain and Canale
Communicative competence in terms of three components: grammatical competence, psycholinguistics and strategic competence. -
New reorganization for communicative competence based on two components called knowledge: organizational knowledge and pragmatic knowledge. -
Bachman and palmer
New reorganization for communicative competence based on two components called knowledge: organizational knowledge and pragmatic knowledge. This organization allows to visualize the communicative competence from the integrity and the dialogic relation established between the macro areas and the components of each one of them.