
Colorado Industries

  • Fur Trapping

    Fur Trapping
    Goods: Pelts and castoreum
    Impact: Fur business sweld. 1,000 of me came to be mountain men in colorado
    Reason: To earn money or trade for other goods or services.
    Resorces: Traps, horse or mule, clothing, guns, trapper, castor
  • Mining

    Goods:gold silver coal
    Impact: more people came to colorado, so many that colorado became a state in 1876.
    Reason:mining, to start a new life, start a buisness because of mining.
    Reasoures: miners water black smith pick axe pans sluice box, Dynamite
  • Mint

    Goods: curency coins and bills
    Impact: a Mint was made and attracted tourists to visit or even move to colorado
    Reason: People came to colorado to try to get a job at the mint.
    Reasoures: metal: copper, and nickle+copper and bills are made of cotten and linen
  • Railroads

    Goods: Transportation brought supplys
    Impact: People road trains to get to colorado(or other places)
    Reason; to work on the rail roads for money
    Reasorces: metal wood etc.
  • Brewing

    goods: beer (root or other sodas)
    Impact: Beer industries have tooken off and have many millions of dollars.
    Reason: mountian spring water is much more freash in beer so once people realized that they came to colorado.
    Reasources: hops water workers
  • Cattle & Sheep

    Cattle & Sheep
    Goods: wool meat fur yarn
    Impact: food fabric and fur so people came here because of the scarcity of land every where else.
    Reason: tons of open space for grazing land for less money. win win!
    Reasources: Grass water feed fence ranchers
  • Agricuture

    Goods: seeds meat etc.
    Impact: People came to start farms
    Reason:there is alot of of pairieland and farming. and it was a good source of money.
    Resources: seeds machinery land animals.
  • Tourism

    Goods:hourseback, snow activitys, camping,water activitys, hicking
    Impact: Jobs, and money
    Reason: Tourists came to colorado to sight see.
    Resources: rafts horses ski resorts.
  • Broncos

    Goods: entertainment and fun
    Impact: many people watch or come to bronco games and they buy tictets that goes to the teems fund
    Reason:to support their favorite football teem
    Resources: leather, players, stadium.
  • Celestial Seasonings

    Celestial Seasonings
    Goods: Tea and other seasonings
    Impact: jobs money
    Reason: Freash water and herbs
    Rersources: water herbs
  • Manufacturing

    Goods: computers etc.
    Impact: People buy tecnology
    Reason: To start or work at a manufacturing factory
    Resources: machinery workers factory
  • OtterBox

    Goods: Phone cases, and ipod cases
    Impact:Not many people have brocken phones or ipods since
    Reason: The founders of otterbox were from colorado
    Resources:plastic rubber
  • Mining Today

    Mining Today
    Goods:oil coal
    Impact: there has been oil spils
    Reason: to get a job that is always open for new employs
    Reasoures: drills workers etc.