Jan 1, 1300
Utes Arrive in Colorado
Utes would say they"ve always been here. -
Jan 1, 1400
Apachies arrive in Colorado. -
Jan 1, 1540
Fransisco de Coranado
Fransisco de Coranado, 200 spanich, and 1,000 indians marched to the seven cities of gold. -
Utes Get Horses
Horses helped Utes traval, move teepes, kill things, and a lot more things. -
Diego de Varaguas Vised San Luis Vally
Diego de Varaguas Vised San Luis Vally -
Comanchies in Colorado. -
Juan de Ulibarri
Juan de Ulibarri and 40 soldiers went north from New Mexico. -
Peer and Paul Set out from Canada
Peer and Paul Set out from Canada. -
The Mallets
The Mallets cross the Platte and Arkansas river. -
Kiowas/Kiowa Apachies in Colorado
Kiowas/Kiowa Apachies in Colorado. -
Juan Maria de Rivera Explored Colorado
Juan Maria de Rivera Explored Colorado. -
2 Spainish Priests Set Out from Santa Fe
2 Spainish Priests Set Out from Santa Fe. -
Fransisco and Escalante
Fransisco and Escalante started thier jurnoal of thier visit to Colorado. -
U.S. Bought Louisana fom France
U.S. Bought Louisana fom France. (Louisana purchace) -
Meriweather Luis and William
Meriweather Luis and William led an expadition. -
Zebulon Pike
Zebulon Pike and his men set out in July. They spent the winter in Colorado. -
Zebulon Pike
Pike and his men erected alog stockade in the San Luis Vally. -
Pike is Free
In July the spanish let Pike and his men free. -
Majon H. Long
Majon H. Long explored the plains. -
Arapahoes and Cheyene
Arapahoes and Cheyene arrives in Colorado. -
Kit Carson vs. Grizzly
Two grizzly bears attacked Kit Carson. -
Bent's Fort is Built
Bent's Fort is built so the Hispanic could be safe. -
Plain Indians
Colorado Plain Indians make peace -
Beaver Almost Extinct
Furtrappers killed so many beaver they almost went extinct. -
First Hispanic Farmers Arrive in San Luis Vally
First Hispanic Farmers Arrive in San Luis Vally -
Juan Bautista Silvia
Juan Bautista Silvia and his faimly set out for the San Luis Vallet. -
Juan Bautista Silvia
Tired and dirty, Juan Bautista Silvia and faimlay -
Replica for Pike
The Colorado Historical Society built a replica of his fort. -
Play of Fur Trappers
Coloradians still put on a play and act as fur trappers in pre-1840 -
No More Pathfinders
Today thier are no more Pathfinders from the 1800's.