Colonization to Crash Semester 1 Final

  • 1492

    Columbus Lands in the Americas

    Columbus set sail from Palos with the company of three ships, the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina. He was hoping to find a direct water route to Asia for trading, but instead he came upon an island in the Bahamas. Columbus did not however ever actually set food in North America.
  • Jamestown

    The English established a settlement in North America for the first time ever, and they named this settlement Jamestown. Many of the colonists perished within the first year of settlement due to disease and starvation. To make sure that the colony survived their leader John Smith set rules, and precautions against attacks were taken.
  • Pilgrams Land

    The Mayflower which held the Pilgrams landed in Cape Cod after 66 days of traveling. Many of these Pilgrams came over to the New World in seek of religious freedom.
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    The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War began because both the French and British wanted to extent their territory into North America. The British and the American colonists were fighting against the French and the Indians. This war brought great military casualties to both sides, and after fighting for many years the British were victorious in 1763. This British Victory was a big deal seeing as it would allow the British to extend their territory greatly.

    This act was passed to renew a previous act name the Sugar and Molasses Act that was passed earlier in 1733. This Sugar act was repealed soon after due to angry colonists. This led the British Parliament to issue the Stamp Act, and the Quartering act was not far behind...

    This act was directed at American colonists, and it required them to pay taxes on licenses, newspapers, legal documents, etc. This angered the colonists because they did not believe this was fair for the British to do to them. The colonists fought to have this repealed, and they did succeed. After this repeal the British Parliament issued the Declaratory Acts...

    This act was again directed at the American colonists, and it required American colonists to find housing for British soldiers. This angered the colonists because they did not believe that these soldiers needed to stay in their colonies.This act was eventually repealed, but another quartering act was set in place later.

    This act was set in by the British Parliament, and it informed the colonists that they were able to tax them. This angered the colonists because they again did not believe this was right. After this act the British Parliament also passed the Townshend Act...

    This act issued that the American colonists would be taxed on glass, lead, paper, and tea. The colonists did not agree or like this taxation, and was another reason that made the colonists dislike the British. This act contributed to the colonists anger, and was another reason that led to the Revolutionary war...

    The Boston Massacre angered the colonist greatly because of what happened. Colonists were already angry because of the Townshend Act, and that is partly why this Massacre happened. British soldiers were stationed in Boston to keep the peace with the colonists, and one night while the soldiers were trying to stop a demonstration they shot 5 colonists. This led to a lot of angry colonists, and also partly to the revolutionary war.
  • ~TEA ACT~

    ~TEA ACT~
    This act was passed by the British Parliament in hopes of helping the British East India Company because it was struggling financially. This act put taxes on tea, and the colonist were not happy about it. The anger that this act brought to the colonists resulted in the Boston Tea party...

    The Boston party took place in the Boston Harbor aboard three British ships that were carrying tea from the East India Company. The colonist boarded these ships and decided to throw all of the tea into the harbor as a sign of protest against the British Tea Act. After the Boston Tea Party, the British Parliament put in affect the Intolerable Acts....

    The Intolerable Acts was the British Parliaments punishment towards the colonists after what happened in the Boston Harbor. Some of these intolerable acts included the closing of Boston Harbor until all of the tea dumped was paid back, and also allowing British officials to have trail in England when charged with offenses. This angered the colonists so much that they organized the First Continental Congress. These Intolerable Acts were the final push into the American Revolution...

    Twelve out of the thirteen colonies met to discuss colonial resistance to the Intolerable Acts set by the British Parliament. The colonists decided to boycott all British good in hopes that the Intolerable Acts would be repealed, but instead the British Parliament just passed more laws because of the colonists rebellion. All of these acts that had been passed by the British Parliament are what caused the American Revolution.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    This battle is a very important piece of American History because it is the battle that started the Revolutionary War. This battle began because the British were marching to Concord to seize arms. The colonists were ready for them though because they had been alerted by some riders. The two sides eventually met, and the fighting commenced. The British were forced to retreat, and the colonists won this battle.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson, and signed by 56 people on July 4th, 1776. This document stated that the 13 colonies wanted freedom, and wanted to be cut off from any and all political connections with the British.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    The Constitutional Convention took place at the Pennsylvania State House, and all of the state representatives were present except those from Rhode Island. This Convention was organized so they could all address the problems with the weak government.
  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Invention of the Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin was invented by Eli Whitney, and this machine separated the seeds from the actual cotton. This allowed for a lot more cotton to be produced in a shorter period of time, but it also increased the amount of slaves needed to work.
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    Jefferson Presidency

    Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United State, and served two terms in office as President. He is known for being one of the Founding Fathers of our country, and is well known for writing the Declaration of Independence. One of Jeffersons main achievements during his presidency included doubling the size of the United States with the Louisiana Purchase.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana purchase was made between the United States, and France. This purchase cost the U.S. 15 million dollars, but they gained 828,000 square miles of land. This much land meant doubling the size of the U.S.
  • The Invention of the Steamboat

    The Invention of the Steamboat
    The Steamboat was invented by a man named Robert Fulton. The invention of the steamboat was so important because it provided a faster way to transport goods, and even people.
  • Missouri Compromise

    To balance the number of slave and free states in the United States the government passed the Missouri Compromise. The Missouri compromise made Missouri a slave state, while making Maine a free state. This compromise allowed Missouri to be a slave state, but also prohibited slavery north of 36'30'.
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    Jackson Presidency

    Andrew Jackson was the seventh President of the United States, and was in office for eight years. Before becoming president Jackson fought in the Battle of New Orleans, and also in the First Seminole War. He was seen as a hero after the Battle of New Orleans because he led his army to victory.
  • Invention of the Telegraph

    Invention of the Telegraph
    Samuel Morse, Joseph Henry, and Alfred Vail invented the telegraph. Before the telephone this was the best way of communication because even though you had to talk through electrical pulses it still got the message to whomever fast.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The Indian Removal Act was passed under the authority of President Andrew Jackson. Negotiations were made with Indian Tribes to relocate them to federal territory so that the white settlers could have their land. These Indian Tribes had to travel to their new lands, and many of them died along the way which is why this journey is often called the "trail of tears".
  • Expansion of Railroads in America

    Expansion of Railroads in America
    The Expansion of Railroads in America meant that goods were able to be shipped even faster than by steamboats, and to an exact location. The Transcontinental railroad took six years to build, but it allowed the United States to become a huge manufacturer of goods.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    This act is important because it was a reason for the civil war. This act was giving the people in Kansas, and Nebraska the right to choose whether they wanted slavery in their territories or not. Both anti-slavery and pro-slavery people settled in Kansas hoping to turn it into a slave/free state depending. This led to a lot of conflict, and another reason for the civil war.
  • Dredd Scott vs. Sanford

    Dredd Scott vs. Sanford
    This court case was started because Dredd Scott a slave from the South had been living in both Illinois and Wisconsin which were free states/territories. He was arguing that he should be a free slave since he had been living in a free state/territory. Even though this case did go to the Supreme Court Dredd Scott was declared a slave. The ruling stated that a slave is his masters property even in states/territories that are free.
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    Lincoln's Presidency

    Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth President of the United States, and served in office for four years before he was assassinated by John Booth at the Ford's Theater. President Lincoln is well known for bring an end to slavery.
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    Attack on Fort Sumter

    The Attack on Fort Sumter took place in Charleston, South Carolina, and was the first battle of the Civil War. The Confederates attacked the Union soldiers protecting the fort. The Confederates demanded that they surrender, but the Union refused. Because the Union soldiers could no longer endure the firing of the Confederates, they had to surrender and left the fort.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln stating that all slaves shall be free if they are within the rebellious states. This proclamation did free many slaves, but not all of them.
  • Surrender at Appomattox

    General Robert E. Lee surrendered his Army of Northern Virginia to General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox. The battle of Appomattox after this surrender is what actually ended the Civil War.
  • Lincoln Assassinated

    Lincoln Assassinated
    President Lincoln, and his wife were at the Ford's Theater in the Presidential box when John Booth shot him. John Booth escaped after shooting Lincoln, and before escaping yelled "the South is avenged". Andrew Johnson became president after President Lincoln was killed.
  • Thirteenth Amendment Ratified

    The 13th Amendment is where slavery was abolished in all states in the United States. Laws were also instilled to ensure that newly freed African Americans were given equal rights, and equal protection.
  • Invention of the Telephone

    Invention of the Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell is the one who invented the Telephone. This was a very important invention because it allowed people to talk over long distances which meant that news could spread a lot faster than before.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    The Chinese Exclusion was a law passed that restricted any Chinese Labor immigration into the United States for the span of 10 years. Chester A. Arthur was President at the time of the signing, and passing of this act. This act was only supposed to last 10 years, but after the 10 years this act was renewed. This act was in affect until its repeal in 1943.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was passed while Benjamin Harrison was President, and this act was the first of its kind. This act put an end to monopolistic business practices, and effected the labor unions. Even though this act was passed it was not very effective at the beginning.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    The Plessy V. Ferguson case went to the Supreme Court in 1896. This case started because Homer Plessy refused to sit in the Jim Crow Law, and when he was sent to court Judge John Ferguson ruled against him. This ruling was challenged because it was believed that it conflicted with the 13th, and 14th Amendments. The final ruling at the Supreme Court stated that even though they were equal they were separate.
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    Spanish American War

    One of the main causes of the Spanish American War was that of the sinking of the USS Maine. This war only lasted a few months, and ended because of the signing of the Treaty of Paris. The U.S. emerged as a world power after this war, and gained Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam. The U.S. also overtook Hawaii during this war.
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    T. Roosevelt Presidency

    Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States, and was put into office because of President William McKinley's assassination. He received the Nobel Peace Prize for his help negotiating during the Russo-Japanese War, and he was also the one to finish the construction of the Panama Canal.
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    Panama Canal

    President Theodore Roosevelt was the one who oversaw the completion of the Panama Canal. This Canal was important because it allowed ships to travel less while transporting commercial goods. Not only did this benefit those transporting commercial goods, but it also benefitted the U.S. military.
  • Invention of the Airplane

    Invention of the Airplane
    The Airplane was invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright. Even though their flight only lasted for 59 seconds this was a huge breakthrough in American history. This led to the invention of commercial airplanes where multiple people could travel between states in the span of a few hours.
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    Wilson Presidency

    Thomas Woodrow Wilson was the 28th President of the United States, and served in office for two terms. He was president during World War 1, and is well known for his writing of the Fourteen Points. Even though the United States did decide not to join the League of Nations after World War one, President Wilson was apart of creating it.
  • World War 1 Begins

    World War 1 Begins
    The start of World War 1 was set off by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. The United States did not join WW1 until 1917. They ended up joining because of Germanys unrestricted submarine warfare, and the Zimmerman Telegram.
  • World War 1 Ends

    When Germany surrendered the fighting between countries ended. The Treaty of Versailles was later signed, and that is what ended the war. The Allied forces won this war. WW1 was a very destructive war where over 16 million people died.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed by all countries that were apart of WW1, and this is what ended the War. When Germany signed the Treaty they were taking responsibility for the War because this is what both Britain and France wanted. President Wilson did not believe Germany should be punished, but both Britain and France did. Having Germany take responsibility for WW1, and punishing them is one of the main reasons for WW2.
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    Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem Renaissance is responsible for the birth of Jazz. The Cotton Club was a well known club in Harlem, New York, and this is where a lot of African American musicians played.
  • Eighteenth Amendment

    The Eighteenth Amendment is when the manufacture, selling, and transportation of alcoholic beverages was banned in the United States. This Amendment was passed a year before it actually went into affect, so during that time many people bought as much alcohol as they could. Even when the Amendment went into affect, people found many ways around it. This Amendment was repealed in 1933.
  • Nineteenth Ammendment

    Nineteenth Ammendment
    The passing of the Nineteenth Amendment was a big step in women rights because this amendment granted women the right to vote. This amendment stated that the right of citizens to vote can not be taken away by the United States based of the sex of an individual.
  • Gitlow v New York

    Gitlow v New York
    Gitlow v New York was a case that went to the U.S. Supreme court concerning 1st Amendment rights. The Supreme court ruled that both the state and federal governments had to abide by the same standards regarding free speech/the 1st amendment. This was the first time that this had happened.
  • Stock Market Crash

    The Stock Market Crashed happened because around half of the banks in America had failed. The Stock Crash of 1929 was very devastating, and impacted America greatly. This crash is one of the large reasons for the start of the Great Depression.