
Colonization of North America

  • Jan 1, 722

    The Reconquista

    The Reconquista
    The Reconquista was a 781 year battle where Christians recaptured territory from the Muslims, who occupied most of the Irabian Peninsula. The Christians then extablished a small Christian principality in Asturias. This took place before the discovery of the New World.
  • Jan 1, 1439

    Johann Gutenberg

    Johann Gutenberg
    Gutenberg was a german publisher and printer who introduced printing to Europe. He invented the mechanical printer which started the printing revolution. This is commonly regarded to as one of the most note worthy events in history.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Columbus sailed the Atlantic Ocean in 1492, in search of Japan/West Indies. He instead, accidentally founded the Americas. After this many more Europeans crossed the Atlanic to the Americas to spread Christianity and to start new lives and colonies.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    A treaty signed in Tordesillas that didvided newly discovered land beyond Europe between Spain and Portugal. The lands to the west thereafter belonged to Spain, and the lands to the east belonged to Portugal.
  • Jan 1, 1497

    John (1497) & Sebastian (1504)

    John (1497) & Sebastian (1504)
    John Cabot was an Italian explorer who discovered Noth america under commmision of Henry VII in 1497. Other than the Vikings, John was the first European to discover North America's mainlands. Son of John Cabbot, Sebastian was also an explorer. In 1504 Sebastian led a voyage to the new world, in 1508 he found a North-West passage leading to the Hudson Bay, and he was even a cartographer for Henry VIII.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    The Slave Trade

    The Slave Trade
    The Slave trade (Atlantic) lasted for almost 3 centuries
    over the Atlantic ocean. Many of the slaves were from the central and western parts of Africa sold by other Africans to European slave traders living in the Americas. Around 12 million African slaves were shipped across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Jan 1, 1503

    Ecomienda System

    Ecomienda System
    To regulate Native Americans and reward individual Spaniards for services to the crown, The Ecomienda was established. The Ecomienda was a legal system used by the Spanish during their colonization of the Americas.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    The Protestant Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation
    Because he did not like the way the Roman Catholic Church was opperating, Martin Luther published the 95 Theses that questioned the ways of the Catholic church. Martin then created his own church. This led to the church of England becoming independant under Henry VIII.
  • Jan 1, 1570

    Richard Haklyut

    Richard Haklyut
    Richard Haklyut dedicated himself to promote the settlement of North America through his written work. Haklyut was the first to show the new globe and maps to the world.
  • Roanoke

    The Roanoke colony was an attempt to establish a permanent English settlement by Queen Elizabeth. Unfortunately this colony failed as the Anglo Spanish-War drove the colonists away from Roanoke.
  • Quebec

    The Province of Quebec was founded in Canada in the 1763 Royal Proclamation after the Treaty of Paris transfered the French colony of Canada to Britain following the Seven Year's War.