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  • Roanoke is Established

    Roanoke was Established by Sir Walter Raleigh
  • The Indigenous People are Becoming slaves

    The Indigenous people were doing no harm when the settlers decided to capture them and remove all rights from them.
  • JamesTown is founded

    Jamestown is the first real colony that was established in early American times
  • Disease Spreads across America

    Due to the journey, Disease came with the settlers and is taking over the American Land.
  • Slavery spreads across the world

    Slavery is now not just in America but all across the world
  • Mayflower sets sail

    The Mayflower is coming over bringing pilgrims for religious freedoms.
  • The Speedwell Sinks

    The Speedwell, a ship traveling with the Mayflower, sinks as it makes its way to the Americas.
  • Triangular Trade Begins

    The triangular trade route was a trade involving Africa, America, and England going in a triangle hince the name.
  • Pennsylvania is founded

    Pennsylvania is founded and that is one of America's core states.
  • Delaware Founded

    Deleware is founded showing that America is slowly growing