Colonial Unrest

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    Colonial Unrest

  • Treaty of Paris 1793

    A treaty signed in Paris the said the French and Idian war was over and that France lost. France gave up there clonies and left the new world.
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    Pontiac’s Rebellion

    A rebellion of the NAtive Amaricans aganst the bridish colonist who went to setal in the Ohio river vally after the Bridish won the French and Idian war. The war was unpopluar with Bridish colonists and it helped the Revolution begin.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    A declaration sent out to the coloies by King George III saiying there would be no settling past a line in the appalation mountions. The colonish egnored this and settaled the area anyways. first rebelios act thta the colonys made.
  • Sugar Act

    The sugar act was a bill passed byt he Bridish parlement that astened the current molasses act that was about to exspire. It inposed a tax of 6 persent on every gallon of malasos inported to the colonys. Most colonish evaded this tax beacues of corruption int he governement.
  • Stamp Act

    Laws made by the Bridish parlement that said any thing written on paper had to have a stamp saying it was payed for. The money wa given to the Bridish governemnt
  • Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act was a set of laws that said that the colonist had to give any bridish soldire a place to sleep in their home. It also made it so that any colonist had to give food to any bridish soldire in the area. Theres acts were an influence and a factor in starting the amarican revolution.
  • Townshend Acts

    A serises of bills passed so that Britain would make profit off the colonise then that money was then used to pay the law makers and judges so they would reamin loyal to britian and enfforce there laws.
  • Tea Act

    A tax put on tea by england that made tea less exspence then summugling. It was another tax for the colonists to deal with (wasnt taken well by the colonist)
  • Boston Tea Party

    The sons of liberty sneek on to a bridish tea ship and throw the quivelent of 4 million dollars of tea in the harbor. This was a reaction to the tea act
  • Intolerable Act

    Bridish responce to the boston tea party they shut down the boston harbor and took away Massachuetts's abillity to goven it self
  • 1st Continental Congress

    12 of the 13 colonies send representives to discuess the intolirable act. 1st time colonists unite under one governement action
  • Declaratory Act

    It was a act that came with the repeal of the stamp act and the lessing of the sugar act. It statyed that the Bridish parrlement held the same amount of power that it held in Britian in the coloises