Colonial influense

  • 1215

    Magaa Carta

    Magaa Carta
    Purpose: The manga carta was a government document that limited the power of the king
    Who wrote it :Nobility
    Limited power, rights, rule of law, due process
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    Purpose: The mayflower compact was an agreement among individuals that created a government that will provide order and protect the rights of the colonist
    Who wrote it: Pilgrims
    Self government, rule of law
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    Purpose: Expand the rights of the parliament and the people by limiting the power of the king even more
    Who wrote it: Parliament
    Free election to parliament, The right to bear arms, fair trails
  • Cato's Letters

    Cato's Letters
    Purpose: Argued against the king heavy handed rule.
    Who wrote it:Cato and Cato
    Discussed different ideas, such as freedom of expression.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    Purpose: To break away from Britain.
    Who wrote it: The colonist
    Creating a new government that the colonist will agree on