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colonial events timeline project

  • the fort

    the fort
    they found out the men in the fort were killed by natives
  • Period: to


  • john white came back to the island

    john white came back to the island
    when john white came back to the island and he found a grave discovery nobody was there it was like they disapered into thin air
  • a gruop of 100 men

    a gruop of 100 men
    a group of 100 men landed on the banks of virginia james river and the water there was not healthy
  • pocahantus

    after an injury and pocahantus stopped visiting the settelement the relashonship between the powhaton and the settlers weakend
  • peace between english and powhatan

    peace between english and powhatan
    pocahauntus meets john rofle and marries him and pocahauntus encoureges peace between powhatan and english
  • pilgrims first assembly

    pilgrims first assembly
    1619 was a big year in jamestown because the first elected assembly was esablished it was called the house of burgases
  • ply mouth rock

    ply mouth rock
    a storm hit the mayflower and it caused it to change cours and hit the a huge rock and called it the plymouth rock
  • pilgrims

    after the pilgrims first harvest in the fall governor william bradford had a celebration feast
  • jamestown hurricane

    jamestown hurricane
    the great colonial hurricane of 1635 was a hurricane that hit the jamestown settlement and the massachusetts bay colony during august 1635
  • king charles ll decided to give william land

    king charles decided to give william penn land in the new world