Jamestown settlement

Colonial Events Timeline Project

By KayceeF
  • Queen Elizabeth

    Queen Elizabeth
    Queen Elizabeth allowed Raleigh to send over 100 men From england to Roanoke island
  • Period: to


  • They found out

    They found out
    They found out the men in the fort were killed by some of the natives.
  • White returned

    White returned
    White returned to Roanoke he had a grave discovery.
  • The banks of virginia James River

    The banks of virginia James River
    A group of over 100 men landed on the banks of virginia James River.
  • Stopped visiting the settlement

    Stopped visiting the settlement
    After a injury and pocahontas stopped visiting the settlement then the relations between the settlers and Powhatan nation weakened.
  • Peace between english and Powhatan

    Peace between english and Powhatan
    Again encouraged peace between the english and the Powhatan nation.
  • It was a big year in Jamestown

    It was a big year in Jamestown
    It was a big year in Jamestown the first elected assembly was established.
  • Oceanus Hopkins parents

    Oceanus Hopkins parents
    Oceanus Hopkins parents had to find a way to protect them self during bad weather.
  • Governor William Bradford

    Governor William Bradford
    Governor William Bradford held a celebration feast
  • William Penn land in the New world

    William Penn land in the New world
    Charles ll decided to give William Penn land in the New world that was south west of New Jersey.