Colonial Education

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    Free Market Education

    As opposed to public schools mandated by government, colonial education flourished by employing free market principles. Good teachers, who established schools, flourished.
  • New England Primer

    New England Primer
    The first reading primer for school children in the colonial period.
  • College of William and Mary

    College of William and Mary
    According to the royal charter the College was established to, "Make, found and establish a certain Place of Universal Study, a perpetual College of Divinity, Philosophy, Languages, and the other good arts and sciences."
  • Library Company of Philadelphia

    Library Company of Philadelphia
    Established by Benjamin Franklin this became the first subscription library in North America.
  • University of Pennsylvania

    University of Pennsylvania
    Believed to be the oldest University in the colonial period...founded by Benjamin Franklin.
  • General Circulating Llibrary

    General Circulating Llibrary
    Founded by Lewis Nichola this library became the first circulating library from which patrons could, by supporting the library, withdraw books.
  • Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge

    Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge
    Jefferson educational initiative founding the University of Virginia and highlighting his commitment to state-supported schools.
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    American Philosophical Society

    In response to societal changes, groups of scholars seek opinions on developing a new system of American education.
  • The Elementary Spelling Book aka the "Blue-Back Speller"

    The Elementary Spelling Book aka the "Blue-Back Speller"
    "A national language is a bond of national union. Every engine should be employed to render the people of this country national...Let us then establish a national language..."
  • 10th Amendement

    10th Amendement
    "Powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States..." Nationally formed education, excluded as a Federal power was, according to the 10th Amendment, deemed a state privilege.