Colonial and Early National Time Period

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus lands in the Bahamas

    Christopher Columbus lands in the Bahamas
  • 1513

    Juan Ponce de Leon lands on the Florida Peninsula

    Juan Ponce de Leon lands on the Florida Peninsula
  • 1515

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa reaches the Pacific Ocean

  • 1540

    Francisco Vasquez de Coronado explores the Southwest

    Francisco Vasquez de Coronado explores the Southwest
  • 1565

    Pedro Menendez founded the first permanent settlement in the United States: Saint Augustine, Florida

    Pedro Menendez founded the first permanent settlement in the United States: Saint Augustine, Florida
  • The English Colony at Roanoke Island disappeared; it was known as the Lost Colony

    The English Colony at Roanoke Island disappeared; it was known as the Lost Colony
  • Iroquois Confederacy established to stop warfare among the five nations

    Iroquois Confederacy established to stop warfare among the five nations
  • First permanent English settlement in Jamestown, Virginia

    First permanent English settlement in Jamestown, Virginia
  • Captain John Smith writes a True Relation of Virginia

  • Pilgrims land at Plymouth, Massachusetts

    Pilgrims land at Plymouth, Massachusetts
  • Harvard College is founded in Massachusetts

    Harvard College is founded in Massachusetts
  • First printing press arrives in America

    First printing press arrives in America
  • The first book was printed in the colonies: The Bay Psalm Book

    The first book was printed in the colonies: The Bay Psalm Book
  • Massachusetts establishes free public schools

    Massachusetts establishes free public schools
  • Anne Bradstreet's collection of poems was published: The Tenth Muse

    Anne Bradstreet's collection of poems was published: The Tenth Muse
  • King Philip starts raiding New England

    King Philip starts raiding New England
  • The Salem Witchcraft Trials resulted in the execution of 20 people

    The Salem Witchcraft Trials resulted in the execution of 20 people
  • John Peter Zenger acquitted of libel, this furthered freedom of press

    John Peter Zenger acquitted of libel, this furthered freedom of press
  • The Great Awakening began to sweep the colonies

    The Great Awakening began to sweep the colonies
  • Jonathan Edwards first delivers his sermon: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

    Jonathan Edwards first delivers his sermon: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God