colonial America timeline

  • Roanoke

    Roanoke was a small English colony founded off the eastern coast of north America. It was the first known English colony in America. The mayor John White went back to England to get more recourses and people to help build up their colony and returned to find everyone gone including his wife and kid. The only trace of the colony was a single word carved into a tree saying " Croatoan".
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was one of the first settlements in America from England. in 1607 a group of 100 people came on 3 ships to Virginia to establish Jamestown. The settlers planed on paying back the king by finding large amount of gold and silver. But times got hard the winter killing lots and the settlers planned to leave. As soon as the colonist boarded their ships a new wave came in with 137 people and lots of supplies to stay a long time.
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    The Great Migration was the movement of several hundred English puritans to the new world. The boarded the boat called the Mayflower one of the most famous voyages. The puritans left England due to religious issues and developed their own colony where they were able to worship God freely. The colony ended up in Massachusetts and later made one of the earliest colonies in America known as the Plymouth colony.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The compact were laws they created to make the colonies a safe and peaceful place. Some of the laws of the compact were, The people would still follow King James even though they had their own laws. Another one was that the colonists would create a society and develop and make it stronger. In the end no one really known the purpose of it but it shows the early was we have created a society and built on it.
  • New York

    New York
    The Dutch first settled in New York naming it New Amsterdam. They established the colony on Manhattan island. Hundreds of million of people came to New York as immigrants to start a new life as Americans. Later the British attacked and took New Amsterdam re-naming it New York.,political%20and%20strategic%20role%20during%20the%20American%20Revolution.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    The colony was one of the first in Massachusetts. It consisted of 1000 puritans from England, and was led by John Winthrop. They received a grant from King Charles I to colonize the area and to establish trade and other stuff. They soon established laws and other ways of a controlled government. The colony prospered and they even established cities today known as Boston, Charlestown, Dorchester, Medford, Watertown, Roxbury, and Lynn.
  • Maryland

    It was founded by King Charles giving a charter to George Calvert, giving him rights to the region east of the Potomac River. The land eventually was taken from Calvert from a short civil war for religious equality, And the Toleration act was repealed. Later in the history of the colony the Catholic immigrants established laws to protect their Religious freedom.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    The house was founded by a stock company so it made it easier to survive the harsh conditions America brought upon the people. It was created in Jamestown as a way to bring strong intelligent people into America, due to the food shortage and the rapid attacks of native Americans. The first thing the house did was make a tax law on tobacco products. The Burgesses were elected from each colony by voting. In the end the result shows in modern day USA.
  • Maryland Toleration act

    Maryland Toleration act
    The act maintained religions tolerance for Christians. It also applied in every colony in the 13 colonies. The act was basically religious laws prohibiting blasphemy and other things. it also got rid of religious hate crimes. The act was made by Catholics in Maryland that wanted to practice their religion in peace. In conclusion the act helped pave the way for religious freedom and peace.
  • Bacons rebellion

    Bacons rebellion
    The rebellion was the first of its kind in America and it sparked a revolution as we know of it today. Bacon and other merchants rounded together and raided Jamestown looted goods and burnt it to the ground. The men and bacon died shortly due to large numbers of English soldiers, and the survivors were hung. In result they made a large impact in the people minds resulting in the revolutionary war a hundred years later.
  • Salem which trials

    Salem which trials
    In the small town of Salem the kids of a pastor started to haves screaming fits and others signs of which craft. One of the slaves known as Tituba was questions and she pleaded guilty to the practice. She also gave names of others who she claimed practiced which craft. All three were burned at the stake and were set as a example of what would happen to those who communicated with the devil.
  • Great Awakening

    Great Awakening
    The Great Awakening was a religious movement that effected the way religion was looked at. The movement had a huge impact on Christianity. Jonathan Edwards had a huge impact on the movement thought his sermon, He was known for his passion and energy. The movement had the 13 colonies separated by their beliefs. In the end the movement had developed religious freedom and how we live our lives today.
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    The plan was a way to unite the 13 colonies in a whole controlled government. The plan was proposed by Benjamin Franklin at the beginning of the French and Indian war. It was used to help in their defense from France. The plan went into effect uniting the 13 colonies under one law and helped create as we know of America today.
  • French-Indian War

    French-Indian War
    It was also known as the seven years war. Frances expansion over the Ohio river led to many conflicts resulting Britten to declare war on France. It lasted was one of the wars that sparked the revolution and building of America. For most of the war Britten focused on taking over Spain, and French controlled areas to weaken their forces. The plan worked and the war ended with the Treaty of Paris which resulted in peace of the countries.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 ended the French and Indian war. The Proclamation created places natives to live. It also organized new British territories in America. It also forbade the settlement on Indian territory. It also prohibited Native american land titles. it also didn't allow people to settle on any land claimed by tribes without a purchase treaty.
  • Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect
    The Neglect was a policy that was meant for the right to ignore British laws, and to get the colonies to be pendant from Britten. It also allowed trade between colonies to be more accessible. In result it was used to maintain control and used to be more lenient on the laws.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    When Roger Williams was banished he purchased the land off of a native american tribe. The land is now known as Rhode Island. The colony was a main spot for shipping and trade. The colony also fueled the industrial Revolution and other technological advances. It was the first colony to separate from the rule of King George III. The colony was also one of the last to accept and follow the constitution.
  • Pennsylvania

    The Swedish were the first to settle there. The Dutch also established land there. It was given to William Penn from King Charles II as a debt that was meant for Williams dad. The land was a safe place for the Quakers to live in peace. Penn also made sure that natives were treated equality. The colony expanded gratly over time and became very wealthy. The colony was a power house for government, and military needs.
  • Connecticut

    Connecticut was one of the first 13 colonies created. It was a main part in the manufacturing of firearms and other weapons. gt
  • Carolina

    King Charles gave land to several people who established the Carolinas.The colony primarily used slavery to help with growing crops. It was a well placed area for a trade route. They grew cash crops there a few examples are tobacco, and indigo.