Colonial America

  • Roanoke

    Roanoke colonists were the first English settlement to permanently settle in North America in 1587. It's colony was led by Sir Walter Raleigh. The people of this colony abandoned each other and went their separate ways, finding themselves in some conflict with the Native Americans. Sir Walter left his colony for a couple of years and came back two years later to find his colony gone and the words "Roanoke" carved into a tree. (“Roanoke Colony.”
  • Jamestown

    On May 14, 1607, a group of around 100 members of an adventure called the Virginia Company founded the first permanent English settlement in North America .Tobacco became Virginia’s first profitable export. 100 colonists left England in late December 1606 on three ships and reached Chesapeake Bay by April of the next year. Smith returned to England a year later in 1609, the colonists suffered through a harsh winter known as “The Starving Time,” which more than 100 of them died. (
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    George Washington was the first member of the House, serving for fifteen years. Along with him in the house were George Mason, Patrick Henry, and Thomas Jefferson. Each county sent two representatives and elections were held when the governor called them, not regularly. In May 1774 at the last session of the House that Washington attended, burgesses called for a day of "fasting, Humiliation and prayer," to show support for Boston (
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower Compact was signed on November 11, 1620. Signing the covenant were 41 of the 101 passengers, while the Mayflower was anchored in what is now Provincetown Harbor at the northern tip of Cape Cod. August 1, 1620, they set sail. After a sixty six day trip, the Mayflower anchored in Cape Cod. The agreement between settlers, the Compact, was given to these people the claim of being the first " Signers" of this document.
  • The Colony of New York

    The Colony of New York
    Founded by Peter Minuit and others, on Manhattan Island. Religion was not a specific one, all different kinds came along. They had good farmland, timbers, fur , and coal. Exported agricultural products and natural resources but were also able to manufacture iron and other products such as plows, kettles and more. By 1775, the colony was governed as a Royal Colony. The Colony became a state of July of 1788.
  • Great Puritan Migration

    Great Puritan Migration
    The Great Puritan Migration was a period in the 17th century when English puritans migrated to New England, the Chesapeake and the West Indies. About 13,000 to 21,000 emigrants who went to the Massachusetts Bay Colony between 1630 and 1642. September of 1620, the separatists traveled to the New World on a ship called the Mayflower and landed off the coast of Massachusetts in November, where they established Plymouth Colony, the first colony in New England.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    English settlement that settled in 1630 with a group of about 1,000 Puritan refugees from England under Governor John Winthrop. The leader wanted to prevent any type of religious independence.
  • Maryland

    Lord Baltimore, a Catholic, convinced King Charles the I to grant him 100 acres for Catholics who were persecuted so they can settle. The owner of the colony was under control, not the British King or Queen. That is called a proprietary. Baltimore offered 100 acres for every married couple who wanted to settle in Maryland. The toleration act of 1649 granted religious freedom to all Christians living in Maryland
  • Founding of the Connecticut Colony

    Founding of the Connecticut Colony
    Thomas Hooker and a group of settlers from Massachusetts found Hartford. The Colony of Connecticut is formed when the towns of Hartford, Windsor, and Wethersfield join together. John Haynes is chosen as Connecticut’s first governor. The New London Area was founded by John Winthrop. He requires a royal charter to unite the colonies of Connecticut with New Haven. It Ends up serving constitution for 156 years.
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    The act was meant to ensure freedom of religion for Christian settlers of diverse persuasions in the colony. Maryland was settled under a charter sought by George Calvert. The law made it a crime to blaspheme God, the Holy Trinity, the Virgin Mary, or the early apostles and evangelists. Maryland nullified the law from 1654 to 1661 and from 1692 to the end of the Revolutionary period.
  • Carolina

    Settled by supporters of King Charles II in 1663. Cash crops were big in the south and were grown for the main purpose of selling rather than being grown for just the farmer to use. Some cash crops grown are rice, indigo, and tobacco. By 1720, African slaves outnumbered European settlers by 2:1. In 1729, Carolina became a Royal colony that was split into North and South Carolina.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Governor Sir William Berkeley, when the crisis began, was a veteran of the English Civil Wars, a frontier Indian fighter, the King's favorite in his first term as Governor in the 1640's. Nathaniel Bacon was a troublemaker and a schemer who got sent to Virginia in hopes of maturity. Bacon issued his "Declaration of the People" on July 30, 1676 which stated that Berkeley was corrupt, protected Indians for his selfish purpose. He ended up burning down Jamestown in 1677.
  • Pennsylvania

    At the time of European settlement, the Native American population was small and widely scattered. Quakers were the first European settlers in Pennsylvania. Other Europeans, primarily the Dutch, established trading posts within Pennsylvania in 1647. William Penn established the colony as a "holy experiment." He gave men 50 acres and the right to vote. The society of friends (the Quakers) was established in 1647. and notes
  • Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect
    Robert Walpole, the first Prime Minister of Great Britain, adopted a view of salutary neglect where enforcement of external trade relations. This unofficial British policy was in effect from 1607 to 1763. Reason for the British policy of Salutary Neglect was to ensure that the America Colonies would remain loyal to the British. The policy of Salutary Neglect led to uprising in the colonies, the Boston Tea Party, the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    150 men and women from towns surrounding Salem, their names had been "cried out" by tormented young girls as the cause of their pain. All would wait for trial for a crime punishable by death in 17th-century New England for the practice of witchcraft. First tried was Bridget Bishop of Salem who was found guilty and was hanged on June 10. Thirteen women and five men served three successive hanging days before the court was disbanded by Governor William Phipps in October.
  • Great Awakening/ Enlightenment

    Great Awakening/ Enlightenment
    The Great Awakening of 1720-1745 was a period of intense religious revivalism that spread throughout America. Date to the beginning of the revival era of the Great Awakening to the Northampton revival which began in the church of Jonathan Edwards in 1733. He preached about God and the Devil to the people and claimed that if there was no belief in God, he will hold you over the pit of Hell like a spider and drop you in.
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    Representatives of the colonial governments adopted the Albany Plan during a larger meeting known as the Albany Congress. Imperial officials wanted a treaty between the colonies and the Iroquois that would write a clear colonial-Indian relations policy. The Pennsylvania Gazette published the political image "Join or Die," which showed the importance of union by comparing the colonies to pieces of a snake’s body.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    Massive conflict involving Austria, England, France, Great Britain, Prussia, and Sweden called the Seven Years War. The conflict was played out in Europe, India, and North America. Britain required raw materials including copper, hemp, tar, and turpentine. They also required a good amount of money, they provided all of these American products be shipped to England.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 was issued by the British at the end of the French and Indian War. After the end of the French and Indian War in America, the British Empire began to tighten control over it's colony. This royal proclamation, issued on October 7, 1763. The proclamation also established three new mainland colonies, Quebec, West Florida and East Florida, while extending Georgia’s southern border. The Proclamation of 1763 failed to stop the westward expansion.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams in 1636. On May 4, 1776, Rhode Island became the first colony to renounce allegiance to King George III of England. Rhode Island was the last of the original 13 states to ratify the Constitution.