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Colonial America

  • Walter raleigh

    Walter raleigh
    Walter raleigh tried to settle colony
  • Roanoke island

    Roanoke island
    The first settlement/colony
  • Pocahontas

    A Indian who married a settler/a mager motion picture
  • Jamestown

    The first proper settlement
  • Bonfire night

    Bonfire night
    There was a bonfire at night later became a holiday
  • Henery hudson

    Henery hudson
    He was a explorer/hudson bay
  • The mayflower

    The mayflower
    The most important shipped over land on America
  • Dorchester company was founded

    Dorchester company was founded
    Introducing john white man there are to many johns
  • Plymoth bay

    Plymoth bay
    John withrop came to America with 900 puritans
  • The first government

    The first government
    The first government was organized In Dorchester