4th Hour Noah King - Colombia

By Noah145
  • 1509

    Spanish Arrival

    Spanish Arrival
    The Spanish arrived in Colombia in 1509 and found large groups of Amerindians
  • 1549


    In 1549, the Spanish declared Bogota as the capital of New Granada, with New Granada later becoming much of modern day Colombia.
  • Independence

    In 1810, rebels declared Colombia an independent nation from Spain.
  • Panama Secession

    Panama Secession
    With backing from the United States, Panama seceded from Colombia.
  • Panama Canal Payment

    Panama Canal Payment
    Seven years after the creation of the Panama Canal, the United States paid $25,000,000 to Colombia to compensate them for Roosevelt's role in the building of the Canal and Panama's secession from Colombia..
  • Colombian Entry Into World War ll

    Colombian Entry Into World War ll
    Colombia entered World War ll, on the Allie's side following attacks on Colombian ships from German U-boats.
  • La Violencia

    La Violencia
    La Violencia was a ten year civil war between Colombian Conservative party and the Colombian Liberal Party. This war was given its name because of how people were killed, many people having been tortured to death.
  • New Costitution

    New Costitution
    On July 4, 1991, Colombian officials created a new, and improved constitution.
  • Terrorist Attack

    Terrorist Attack
    Terrorists used a car bomb to attack the Caracol Radio headquarters, which left 43 people injured
  • Venezuelan Migration

    Venezuelan Migration
    Thousands of Venezuelan refugees, searching for food, jobs, and medical aid, have crossed the border into Colombia.