Collin's Erikson Timeline

  • 09/10/2006: Industry vs Inferiority

    After an unproductive Kindergarten, Collin learned to apply himself to the tasks of reading and writing and enjoyed the success that came. This environment allowed him to gain a sense of accomplishment and he enjoyed process of growing his abilities. In Erikson's fourth stage, the last part of childhood sees a forming of one's identity based on how they're able to adapt to the cultural requirements of skills. They either become encouraged by their progress, or feel inadequate to the challenge.
  • 06/19/2021: Intimacy vs Isolation

    Collin commits himself to a relationship by marrying Andrea. This is an act of faith that shows he is willing to share himself fully with another person, rather than avoiding closeness in order to not risk being hurt. Erikson's sixth stage is a time when people either choose to be intimate, or cut themselves off from relationships. If they're vulnerable enough to commit their partner can help form their identity, instead of sheltering their current identity through isolation.
  • 11/16/2022: Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Collin's earlier college experience was one of confusion and taking the easier path. He is now recommitting himself to a challenging career path after a new degree, with the hope of growth and productivity. Erikson's seventh stage is the part of adulthood in which a person can choose to stagnate and fixate on their own needs, or branch out and consider how they can be generative and helpful in the lives of others.