College Tuition

  • Realistic: Trade Off

    Making more of my own meals and going out less.
  • Realistic: Opportunity Cost

    Realistic: Opportunity Cost
    Losing the ease of others making my meals and going out with friends less.
  • Measurable

    I need to save $10,000 for my part of college tuition.
  • Attainable Step 1

    Stop buying subway for meals.
  • Attainable Step 2

    Make my own meals at home.
  • Attainable Step 3

    Attainable Step 3
    Put in this extra money to my savings account so at least 75% of each paycheck is going into the bank.
  • Attainable Step 4

    Get regular bank statements to keep track of any interest.
  • Attainable Step 5

    Attainable Step 5
    Put together a google spreadsheet to keep track of all the numbers.
  • Specific

    I want to save money for Iowa's college tuition.
  • Time Bound

    By February 6, 2019 I want my tuition saved up.