College History II

  • The First Drakes Folly

    The First Drakes Folly
    The first Drakes Folly was being dug, powered by oil in Pennsylvanis.
  • Freedmen's Bureau

    Freedmen's Bureau
    U.S federal government agency that helped freed slaves from 1865-69. The idea came from Lincoln and was intended to go for a year after the civil year to help slaves.
  • The Election of 1868

    The Election of 1868
    General Grant (Republican) ran againist Horatio Seymour (Democrat). Grant won 214-80 electoral votes and 3.0-2.7 millon. Mississippi, Texas, and Virigina votes were uncounted.
  • Black Friday

    Black Friday
    Jim Fisk and Jay Gould bought a whole bunch of gold planning to sell for profit, in order to lower the price of gold the Treasury bought it from the two.
  • The Standard Oil Company

    The Standard Oil Company
    John D. Rockefeller established The Standard Oil Company. He tried to eliminate the middleman and delete competition. His business ethics were almost illegal because he hired spies. After 7 years he controlled 95% of oil refrineries.
  • Credit Mobilier Scandal

    Credit Mobilier Scandal
    Stockholders who had a stake in the Union Pacific Railroad made a false company, the Credit Mobilier construction company, to hired themselves for inflated prices. They stole millons of dollars from the government. To keep the government from doing anything about it they shared their stocks.
  • The Liberal Republican Party

    The Liberal Republican Party
    In disgust of the political corruption and the corruption of the military during reconstruction the Liberal Republicans were formed. Horace Greely was the choosen president.
  • Panic of 1873

    Panic of 1873
    During reconstruction a lot of railroad was laid, mines sunk, erected mroe factories, bankers gave out unreasonable loans and people could not pay them back. 15,000 businesses went bankrupt, and several people were unemployeed because materials failer to materalize.
  • Election of 1876

    Election of 1876
    Grant had thought about running again, but was not allowed because of Washington's two term tradtion. So Rutherford B. Hayes ran againist Samuel Tilden. Tilden had 184 out of 185 electoral votes to win but it was disputed by 15 Congressman that Haye would take office
  • The Compromise of 1877

    The Compromise of 1877
    15 Congressman decided that Hayes would be president. The Democrats were very upset and to compromise the Republicans decided to withdrawl troops from the south and also push aside the issue of racial equality.
  • James Garfield Assassination

    James Garfield Assassination
    President Garfield was shot by Charles Guiteau, a stalwart republican, who was mentally deranged because he want Arthur in office. This shocked people into reforming the spoils system.
  • Chinese Exlusion Act of 1882

    Chinese Exlusion Act of 1882
    Prohibited Chinese immigration until 1943, it was passed to limit the about of immigration. Any Chinese already living in America could stay but no one could come.
  • Northern Pacific Railroad

    Northern Pacific Railroad
    Was built from Lake Superioir to Puget Sound. It was one of the four transcontiental railroads complete by the end of the 19th century.
  • The Election of 1884

    The Election of 1884
    James Blaine (Republican) ran againist Grover Cleveland (Democrat). The Irish helped Cleveland win a slight majority in New York, letting him win.
  • Haymarket Square

    Haymarket Square
    Strike organized by the Knights of Labor (Chigago). They were violent and wanted to overthrow government. Police invaded a meeting and a bomb was thrown that killed 11 people and injuried over 100.
  • Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

    Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
    Prohibited rebates and pools, required railroads to publish open rates, forbade unfair discrimination againist the shippers, and outlawed charging more than a short haul than for a long one over the same line.
  • The Election of 1888

    The Election of 1888
    Democrats nominated Benjamin Harrison, who was Wiliam Henry Harrisons grandson, The Republicans paid the Democrats 3 million dollars on the lower tariff issue which helped Harrison get elected.
  • Sherman Anit-Trust Act of 1890

    Sherman Anit-Trust Act of 1890
    The act declared every contract, combination, or conspiracy in which interstate trade was restricted illegal. It also said coroporate monopolies were exposed to federal prosecution if found to conspire in restraining trade.
  • McKinley Tariff Act of 1890

    McKinley Tariff Act of 1890
    Boosted the tax to the highest tax until then, 48.4%. rought hardtimes to farmers and they had no choice but to buy manufactured goods.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    Andrew Carenige's workers went on strike because of pay cuts, so he hired 300 armed Pinkerton guars to end the strike. The PA militia was eventually summoned and 10 died and 60 were injuried in the process.
  • The Maine

    The Maine
    The Maine mysterously blew up and this was the breaking point of America to finnally go to war with Spain.
  • Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rico
    The Spanish sign the armistice to America for Puerto Rico.
  • Teller Admendment

    Teller Admendment
    Promised when the U.S overthrew Spanish rule in Cuba the U.S would give the Cubans their independence. Yet the U.S was not letting Cuba get taken over by Germany.
  • Filipino Rebellion

    Filipino Rebellion
    Emilio Aguinaldo led an insurrection. America sent 126,000 troops. The Filipinos used guerilla warfar. When America finally caught Aguinaldo the war still went on. There were around 600,000 Filipino deaths
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    Secretary of State John Hay decided to urge the European powers in their spheres of influence (the right to hold property for a fixed period of time at some price) they should respect the Chineses rights and fair competetion. Most of Europe agreed
  • Election of 1900

    Election of 1900
    McKinley won againist Jennings Bryan 7.2 mil-6.3 mil and 292- 155.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    A group of super patrotic martial arts people murdered more than 200 foreigners, Chinese Christians. A multinational rescue force of 18,000 soliders stoped the rebellion.
  • McKinleys assassination

    McKinleys assassination
    Not even 6 months after in office, Leon Czolgoz shot President McKinley twice with a gun that was hidden by a handerchief. Bystanders tackled him before he could shot again. He was taken into surgery but they couldnt find the second bullet.
  • Treaty of 1901

    Treaty of 1901
    America was allowed to construct and manage a Central American canal. The U.S was then guranteed the neutrality of the canal and was authorized to frtify the area, finally the canal was opened to all nations.
  • Platt Admendent of 1901

    Platt Admendent of 1901
    Rider attached to an army appropriations bill. It was written into the constitution of Cuba by the US and in effect made Cuba a US protectorate. The US could intervene to preserve Cubas independence.
  • Elkins Act of 1903

    Elkins Act of 1903
    Heavy fines could now be imposed both on the railroads that gave rebates and on the shippers that excepted them.
  • Lochner v. New York

    Lochner v. New York
    The New York court ruled on a 10 hour work day for all bakers.
  • Meat Inspection Act

    Meat Inspection Act
    The preparation of meat shipped over State lines would be subject to federal inspection.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    Designed to prevent the mixing and mislabeling of foods and drugs.
  • Nobel Peace Prize of 1906

    Nobel Peace Prize of 1906
    Roosevelt recieves the peace prize because of the peace agreement.
  • Hepburn Act

    Hepburn Act
    The act the gave Interstate Commerce Commision to maximize railroad rates.
  • The Jungle

    The Jungle
    The book The Jungle was written with the intent to focus attention on the plight of workers in the big canning factories, but instead he appalled the public with his description of disgustingly unsanitary food products. (Upton St.Clair)
  • The Great White Fleet

    The Great White Fleet
    Roosevelt did not want to appear weak to the Japanese, so he ordered the entire battleship fleet to voyage around the world.
  • Root-Takahira Agreement

    Root-Takahira Agreement
    Signed by Japan and America following warm relations after the Great White Fleet visit. It pledged both powers to respect the other's teritory possession of the Pacific. This opened the Open Door in China.
  • Muller v. Oregon

    Muller v. Oregon
    In Oregon there was law that women could only work ten hours a day. Muller challegened that and was fined 10 dollars for disobeying that and refused to pay the fine.
  • Congressional Election

    Congressional Election
    The Republicans lost badly in this election leaving the Democrats with 228 and Republicans with 161 seats, But they still had Senate majority.
  • Ballinger-Pinchot quarrel

    Ballinger-Pinchot quarrel
    The Secretary of the Interior Richard Ballinger opened public lands in Wyoming, Montana, and Alaska to corporate development, he was criticized by Gifford Pinchot. Taft dismissed Pinchot on the grounds of insubordination.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    The triangle shirtwaist company building caught fire and there were little escape routes and 146 workers died.
  • Roosvelt Dam

    Roosvelt Dam
    was created and named after Teddy Roosevelt because he oversaw a lot of conservative movements. It is a dam.
  • National Progressive Republican League

    National Progressive Republican League
    Founded in 1911, they figured on LaFollette to be nominated for the presidency because Roosevelt was anti-third term yet Taft still won.
  • Childrens Bureau

    Childrens Bureau
    A new federal agency was created by women reformers (progressives)
  • Election of 1912

    Election of 1912
    Woodrow Wilson wins presidency with 41% of the popular vote againist Taft, Roosevelt, and Debs.
  • State of the Union Address

    State of the Union Address
    Woodrow Wilson established the State of The Union Address in early 1913 and it is still used today.
  • Federal Reserve Act

    Federal Reserve Act
    This created the Federal Reserve Board which oversaw a nationwide system of 12 regional reserve districts, that all had central banks.
  • Federal Trade Commission Act

    Federal Trade Commission Act
    Created a commission to investigate industries engaged in interstate commerce.
  • The 18th Admendment

    The 18th Admendment
    Prohibited manufacture, sale, transport, or consumption of alcohol; temperance movements began way before the admendment was passed and ratified.
  • The 19th Admendment

    The 19th Admendment
    The admendment that gave women the right to vote!
  • American Legion

    Teddy Roosevelt created the American legion so vets could share memories together.
  • American Legion

    American Legion
    The American Legion was created by Teddy Roosevelt for veterans to share memories and hang out.
  • Merchant Marine Act of 1920

    Merchant Marine Act of 1920
    An act that authorized the Shipping Board to dispose of much of the hastily built wartime fleet at low bargain prices.
  • KDKA

    The first radio show, KDKA, was aired in Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Esch-Cummins Transportation Act of 1920

    Esch-Cummins Transportation Act of 1920
    This act encouraged private consolidation of the railroads and pledged the Interstate Commerce Commission to guarantee their profitability
  • Emergency Quota Act

    Emergency Quota Act
    This reduced trhe amount of immigrants coming into America to 3% of what was coming in before it.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall convinced the Secretary of the Navy to transfer those two properties to the Interior Department. Harding signed them over to the Interior. Fall leased the lands to oil tycoons Harry Sinclair and Edward Doheny for $100,00 and $300,000 respectively.
  • Veterans Bureau

    Veterans Bureau
    The Veteerans Bureau was created to operate hospitals and provide rehabilitation for the disabled
  • Fordney-McCumber Tarriff

    Fordney-McCumber Tarriff
    Tariff went from 27% to 38.5%.
  • Five Power Navy Treaty

    Five Power Navy Treaty
    Harding seized the initiative for naval disarmament.A 10-year “holiday” on the construction of battleships and for scrapping some of them. He believed that Britain and America should have the same number of ships, with Japan having less – a ratio of 5:5:3
  • Adkins vs. Childrens Hospital

    Adkins vs. Childrens Hospital
    It reversed the Muller vs. Oregon because now women had the right to vote they shouldn't be treated specially in the work place.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Immigration Act of 1924
    It reduced the former Emergency Quota Act from 3% immigration to only 2%.
  • Election of 1924

    Election of 1924
    Lafollete, Coolidge, and Davis. Coolidge won.
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby
    F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote the book The Great Gatsby which was about The Roaring 1920's. A man named Jay Gatsby who was a self made tycoon who was in love with a girl named Daisy.
  • Monkey Trial

    Monkey Trial
    A high school teacher, John Scopes, taught his students evolution and was charged and defended by Clarence Darrow. He lost and had a fine of aorund $100.
  • The Jazz SInger

    The Jazz SInger
    first talking movie which was about a poor, Jewish immigrant torn between following his father’s wishand his own ambition to become a jazz singer.
  • United Negro Improvement Association

    United Negro Improvement Association
    Marcus Garvey created the UNIA to resettle the blacks back in Africa.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    Agreed that all conflicts should be settled by peaceful means and that war was to be renounce, any war started has to be done in self-defense.
  • ST.Valentines Day

    ST.Valentines Day
    Al Capone and his men killed 7 men of a rival gang at a wearhouse, after tricking them that they was a shipment of illegal goods there. They pretended they were cops and then attacked.
  • London Economic Conference of 1933

    London Economic Conference of 1933
    This conference was to organize and try to get the globe out of a depression. It wanted to stablize each countries currency and exchanging rates. Countries such as America though wanted to solve problems without help from the rest of the world.
  • Formal recognition of the Soviet Union

    Formal recognition of the Soviet Union
    The United States was the first country to recognize the Soviet Union as a country for economic and political reasons.
  • Tydings-McDufie Act of 1934

    Tydings-McDufie Act of 1934
    This gave the Phillippines independence after 12 years and US agreed to give up all army bases, not naval bases though.
  • Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934

    Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934
    Was designed by Sec Hull to lower tariffs, boost American trade. It was negotiated with 21 other countries and helped relations with Latin American countries.
  • Neutrality Acts of 1935,1936, and 1937

    Neutrality Acts of 1935,1936, and 1937
    These were acts to forbid the United States to trade with any country that was involved in the war.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    These laws took all rights away from Jews and forbid Jews to marry non-Jews. From this point on Jews had to wear a large Star of David on their clothing so they could be recognized as Jewish.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    After Adolf Hilter had taken control of Rhineland, Sudetenland and a part of Czechoslovakia, a conference was held with the leaders of the Allies France and Britain to stop Hilter from taking anymore land. It was agreed that he wouldn't just so he could keep what he had already conquered.
  • Kristallnacht

    The Nazis started to become more violent toward the Jews in Germany and Austria. They destroyed Jewish shops, the synagogues, and even their homes. This all happened because a Jew murdered a German diplomat. (The night of broken glass)
  • Neutrality Act of 1939

    Neutrality Act of 1939
    Provided that European countries could trade with America if they transported the items after paying in full cash. (Cash and Carry)
  • Hilter-Stalin non-aggression pact

    Hilter-Stalin non-aggression pact
    The SOviet Union and Germany signed an act that they could not start war with each other. It was signed previous to Hilter and Stalin took control of Poland.