Essay Specs
Type into your file at school.
Also, save to Student Share - College Life Skills -
Story Ideas
Have your story ideas. What moment, day, event lends to the best story? You are trying to give the admissions officer an idea of your personality. -
Period: to
College Admissions Essay
MUM Rep here
Need to turn in Listening Notes -
Rough Draft
Very rough draft of paragraphs for essay -
First edit of Essay
Partner reading-check for interest, give ideas to help with first 2-3 sentences.
Reread - another classmate -
Write 2nd draft - almost good copy
Writing the 2nd draft - paragraphs, sentences, details -
Practice only one section - the pretest gives you areas where you had incorrect answers. -
Finish Essay- Partner read
Partner read for details such as spellings, grammar, etc. -
College Interview
How to interview - Use Voki in computer lab 107 -
Final Draft of Essays Due
Each day late - 10 points off
Double spaced, 12 point normal type
Grade sheet