Sino-Xiongnu Wars
(B.C.) For more than two centuries, the Xiongnu and the Chinese were at war with one another in the western region of China. This was bad because this particular region was where the Silk Road was. In 89 BC, the Chinese had a victory over the Xiongnu but this was short lived. It fatally changed the Han government. After their defeat, some of the Xiongnu moved west and formed, along with other nomadic groups, the fierce warrior group known as the Huns. -
Edict of Milan
Edict of Milan
The Edict of Milan was a document that was created by Constantine. It tolerated Christianity and ended Christian persecution. Constantine claimed to have had a dream where he saw a cross shining in front of him with the words 'In this sign you will conquer' written in latin. Constantine ended up winning the war by letting the Christians fight, since they weren't allowed to before. -
The Reign of Skandagupta
Skandagupta started his reign in 455 AD. During his reign, there was constant war and lack of value of coins. Also, after Skandagupta died, Puru Gupta took the throne. But he coudln't control the immense Guptan Empire. Finally, Buddha Gupta came into power and tried to save the Guptan Empire, but failed because his control over the Western Guptan Empire was weak. -
First Hun Invasions in Gupta Empire
During the Gupta (or Golden) Age, art, architecture, and literature flourished. It was a time of great prosperity, where India traded often with China, Southeast Asia, and the Mediterranean and also domestic trade. But most of their wealth came from pilgrims visiting religious centers in India. Sadly, around the end of the 5th century, many Huns invaded from the northwest, which decreased the power of the rulers, and soon the Empire collapsed. -
Diocletian Divides the Empire
Diocletian divied Rome into four units. Each unit had it's own ruler. He also strengthened and enlarged bureaucracies of the Roman Empire. The army was enlarged, including the German mercanaries. Diocletian ruled from 284-305 AD. Since he expanded the army, they lost a lot of public funding money.