
Collapse of Empire - Camryn Kelley - Lyons

  • 450

    Gupta is invaded by the white huns

    Gupta is invaded by the white huns
    The Gupta fell in 450 CE to the Huns, also known as the Hunas - white. They came from obscure origins of possibley Tibeten or Turkish. For Gupta it was a long and hard war. It was very expensive to fight the huns. Gupta's government started to highly tax its people. Soon the people refused to pay the taxes. Skandra was the leader during the war and was able to fight them off. but the war had left them with no money. This led to the slow fall of the Gupta.
  • 473

    Gupta Loses Money

    Gupta Loses Money
    In 473 AD, after the reign of Skandra Gupta, silk weavers migrated to India. Because of this, there was less silk and other goods being purchased locally. Therefore, the government lost gold. Attempting to maintain their gold, kings had coins produced with a lower percent of gold in them. However, they still lost money and the economy fell. This was a supporting cause in the collapse of the Gupta Empire.
  • Huns Invade China

    Huns Invade China
    The Huns invaded China to expand their territory and overpower the Hans. The Han Dynasty eventually defeats the Huns after over two centuries of war. However, the cost of war was very great. It weakened the military and economy of the Han. This eventually led to their collapse.
  • Roman Empire Split in Two

    Roman Empire Split in Two
    During the rule of Diocletian, the Roman empire became so large that it was difficult to control under one government. When it became too large, Diocletian split the empire in half. These halves became two seperate empires, the Eastern and Western. However, the Western Empire fell because the Eastern had more money, better rulers, a greater population, and a better military.
  • Diocletian invents tetrarchy

    Diocletian invents tetrarchy
    When Diocletian came into power in 284 CE he created Tetrarchy, he also divided the empire in half, the East and the West. In Tetrarchy there are two Emperors (Diocletian of the east and Maximian of the West). Then there were two Caesars (Galerius of the East and Constantius of the West). The purpose of the Caesars was that of the vice president today. The result however was the death of the emperors and civil war. source: notes took in class