Colin Wright

  • rosy rubarb

    rosy rubarb
    i dircted trafic.
  • started high school

    started high school
  • voltinerd at phd hockey camp

  • got a concushion

    got a concushion
    i was off for 7 mounths muissed a lot of school and had to drpo my gym class.
  • my dog max pastaway to cancer

    my dog max pastaway to cancer
  • get my full hunting lincne

    get my full hunting lincne
  • start summer job working for alguiqun park

    start summer job working for alguiqun park
  • buy my frst truck

    buy my frst truck
  • graduate from high school

    graduate from high school
  • camping trip to banff

    camping trip to banff
  • start college

    start college
  • move out and by my own house

    move out and by my own house
  • move to kerny ont

    move to kerny ont
  • graduate from college

    graduate from college
  • start working for the MNR

    start working for the MNR
  • going from depuite game warden to a full game warden

    going from depuite game warden to a full game warden