Cole and kolles timeline

  • French revolution

    French revolution
    The french revolution begen in1789 and ended in 1799.The revolution began because of a finacial crisis.King louis XVI was in power at the time.
  • Mexican independance

    Mexican independance
    in 1810 Martin cortez led a revolt.The spaniards owned mexico and natural borned mexicans wanted freedom.The war ended in 1821 and mexico won its independence
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    The panic of 1819 was the first huge finacial crisis america had.The panic was in the era of good fellings.The crisis brought unemployment and money crisis
  • Constitution of 1824

    Constitution of 1824
    In 1824 mexico and texas made a constitution.The constitution helped make the branches of goverment better
  • Imperial colonizational law

    Imperial colonizational law
    Mexico had made a colonizational law.The law was made to sstop immagration ands make the borders better
  • The old three hundred

    The old three hundred
    The colony was made up of familys that bought land.The colony lasted a very long time and grew in population.It was founded bt stephen austin and there is a boof about the colony
  • Coahila y tejas

    Coahila y tejas
    Was apart of the united mexican states.Its capital was satillo and inslaved many indians from the apache and comanche