coldwar present

By hendama
  • TV age

    TV age
    Millions of Americans stated buying TV sets but only 17,000 were bout in the whole United States by 1950 the estimated number of TV owned was 50 million sets.What impacted America was the cost -to-cost programs that let people see political conventions and presidential.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    In the cold war the U.S. , U.S.S.R Communism were involved in the cold war . This was a war that had no fighting and was a war agents communism and Democracy
  • Jackie robinson

    Jackie robinson
    Jackie Robinson was a baseball player in Brooklyn Dodgers and played in the major Leagues he was a world series champ and elected to the baseball hall of fame .
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    East Berlin and west Berlin were involved East Germany began building a wall across Berlin it went for miles the wall was built in August 1961 the wall fell . West Berlin was a democratic East were communist . was a important because it was the end of the cold war. it brought east and west Berlin together .
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    President JFK and his wife was in a presidential motorcade and JFK was shout in back of the head in the car around Dallas,Texas.
    this was the day were he died 3 TV stations broadcast with no Interruption Nixon was elected to be the president.
  • Medicare/Medicaid

    President Lyndon Johnson and the Social security Administration. Medicare and Medicaid was started U.S. Government helped the the hospital people withe medical bills. the social security gave the state government money to help low income for people who have medical bills .In U.S. 1966 it were it stated. Medicaid was largest source of funding .the befits were some states could get qualify medicaid.
  • Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford
    Gerald Ford pardon Richard Nixon in 1970 and also stated a trade with Union
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
    Ronald Reagan start star wars and cuts taxes in 1980 he was trying to save the u.s money and it cut back in alternative.
  • Challenger Explosion

    Challenger Explosion
    IN the challenger there was the civilian named McAuliffe NASA wanted to revive the public interest in the program on January 1986 the challenger took off smoke stated to come out of booster rocket and burst in flames .
  • George w bush

    George w bush
    George w bush was a republican govern of California he star wars and cut taxes this impacted the United States tax code passed originally during the presidency.
  • Hurricane Katrina/Harvey

    Hurricane Katrina/Harvey
    In Texas a category 4 hurricane caused a catastrophic flood 203,000 homes destoyd and 350 million was raisd to help .