G.I. Bill
A bill that was used to reacustom WW2 veterans who just got out into civillian life -
Iron Curtain
Where soviet locked it self away from non communist states in isolation -
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Baby Boom Generation
People now back from WW2 came back hot and horny ready to make babies. -
Truman Doctrine
Foreign policy used to counter soviet attempts of control -
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Cold War
An arms race against communist Russia and Capitalist America -
Berlin Airlift
USA brought goods and needs to the western part of eroupe being housed by Soviets -
Containment Policy
Used by Truman to contain the Communist uprise in east asia -
Marshall Plan
A program used to fund the rebuilding of europe after WW2 -
NATO treaty was signed and created an alliance between USA and Europe -
McCarthy was a politician who would accuse people of being communist, especially people who were famous or who had power against him. Red Scare. -
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Domino Theory
A theory that if one country falls to communism all others will also like dominos -
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A generation associated with the beat generation. -
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Korean War
We tried to remove communism from North Korea and a communist resistance in south Korea in a loosing war. -
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Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th President of the USA -
Rosenberg Trial
A couple was executed under the suspision of being soviet spies and sleeper agents. -
Ray Kroc
Joins Mc Donalds turning it into the empire it is today -
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Rock'n'Roll Era
A time of amazing music to get the populatin pumped, still listened to all the time and was originally frowned upon. -
Jonas Salk
Jonas Salk's polio vaccine was made public. -
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Vietnam War
A war we were in, uselessly as we fought afainst communism in a war we would never win, it exposed us to Gurilla warfare. -
Interstate Highway Act
The approval of a huge hughway that would span the whole nation. -
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Space Race
A race to be the first in space and then the first on the moon between Soviets and USA -
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John F. Kennedy
35th president of the USA -
Bay of Pigs
A failed coo on cuba by america, ruined relations -
Cuban Missle Crisis
Soviets moved missiles into cuba that could target anywhere in US, almost causing WW3 and nuclear war -
Betty Friedan
The Feminine Mystique was written sparking womens rights movement -
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Lyndon B. Johnson
36th President of the USA -
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Anti-War movement
The HUAC was created to inspect disloyal actions against USA. The Rust Belt lost lots of population and the economy dropped. They moved to the Sun Belt down south. In the 50s suberbs begaon to grow in florida thus the growth of population there and lots of new culture was introduced like cars, In the 60s we had depression into the 70s where comic books became big, and the 80s was the improvement or attempted improvement of the ecomony. -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Gave LBJ the power to attack anywhere in southeast asia without decleration of war to protect security -
Miranda v. Arizona
Person never informed of their rights when being arrested thus they did now know them. Now we have a law that provides they do it. -
Abbie Hoffman
ONe of the Chicago Seven for inciting riot and being arrested -
Tet Offensive
one of the largest military campaigns in the Vietnam War -
Great Society
LBJ's dream of a perfect country -
Roy Benavidez
Roy Benavidez fought against an enemy troop in Vietnam as a medic who helped and saved 8 out of 12 men and fought for 6 hours, thought to be dead after the battle, but miraculously survived. -
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Richard Nixon
37th president of the USA -
Nixon stated that he would pull troops out of Vietnam -
26th amendment
Gave all citizens over 18 the right to vote -
War Powers Act
A law that limits the presidents pwer over our troops. states president must imform congress within 48 hours of deplying troops.