
Cold War Timeline

  • Period: to

    The Cold War

  • The Iorn Curtain

    The Iorn Curtain
    Ijn Febuary 1946 Stalin stated publicly that he believed war between the East and West was bound to happen in the future. the next month former British leader Winston Churchill gave a speech in the United States. Churchill used the image of an iorn curtain to describe the sharp division of Europe that was the result of the Soniet actions. This division, he said was a serious threat to peace.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    Economic problems were common throughout Europe and Truman believed that if conditions grew worse more Europeans might turn to communism. So in mid-1947 the US government launched a massive program of economic aid. The Marchall Plan provided $13 billion for rebuilding Europe. The plan helped Western Europe make a rapid recovery from the war, and it also helped preserve political stability.
  • The Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift
    In June Soviets blocked off all land rail and water routes into West Berlin. as a result Berlins 2 million residents were no longer abke to import food coal and other vital supplies. The Soviets hoped that this would force the West to leave Berlin. Western leaders did not give up and created the Berlin Airlift were they flew in supplies landing every 30 seconds causing the Soviets to call off the blockade of Berlin in May 1949.
  • The Arms Race

    The Arms Race
    In 1949 the West was deeply shaken by the news of a successful Soviet test of an atomic bomb. This led the US to try and devlope new weapons for the military. The Soviet union begain to out-arm the US and so began the arms race. This ended with both sides realizing that this would end in great destruction to both sides.
  • War in Korea

    War in Korea
    After WWII the allies and the Soviet Union both claimed half of Korea, Leading the Soviets to quickly etablish a Communest govenment in North Korea. In June 1950 North Koreans attacked South Korea. Their goal was to unite the country under a Communest government. In 1951 the war settled and the battle lines layed where they orinanaly were ment to be.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
    NATO was created after the Berlin airlift the US, Canada, and most of Western Europe joined together to form this military alliance to counter the Soviet power in Europe. later that year the Soviet Union and Communist nations of Eatern Europe formed their own alliance, known as the Warsaw Pact.
  • Bay of Pigs invasion

    Bay of Pigs invasion
    In April 1961 this force came ashore at Cubas Bay of Pigs. American officals had believed the Bay of Pigs invation would start a massive Cuban uprising against Castro. Instead, the invaders were quickly defeated.
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    In 1961 as many as 100 people a day were passing between East and West Berlin to get to jabs and back to their homes. to stop this East Germany began to make a tall barrier between the two halfs of the city that was heavily gaurded known as the Berlin Wall.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    In 1962 came the cuban missile crisis, a confrontation between the United Stated and the Soviet Union over the insallation of the Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba. After a two-week standoff, Soviet leaders removed the missiles when the United States agreed to remove US missiles from Turkey and promised not to attack Cuba.
  • SALT I

    SALT I
    SALT I and II was brought about by US president Richard Nixon who sought what he called detente or reduced tension between the super powers. SALT I ( strategic arms limitations talks) limited the amount of how many missiles each side could hold.