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Cold War Timeline Project

By juanRz
  • berlin airlift

    berlin airlift
    soviet union blocked western allies
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    U.S., Canada and other European Nations provide security against soviet union NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • Creation of warsaw pact

    Creation of warsaw pact
    It was a political and military alliance established between the USSR and several eastern Europe countries.
  • sputnik

    Soviet Union launched first artificial earth satellite
  • Construction of Berlin Wall

    Construction of Berlin Wall
    East germans wanted to move to the west part of Germany but East Germans built a wall to prevent that.
  • CUban Missile Crisis

    CUban Missile Crisis
    Confrontation between the U.S. and USSR Concerning American Ballistic Missile deployment in Italy and Turkey.
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    Apollo ll was the first mission to land a human on the moon
  • Destruction of berlin wall

    Destruction of berlin wall
    East German announced that all GDR could visit west Germany/Berling