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Cold war timeline

  • End of WW2

    End of WW2
    President Roosevelt wanted to ensure that the war would never again engulf the world. He believed that a new international political organization could prevent another war.
  • Creating the nation

    Creating the nation
    1944- Delegates from 39 countries met to discuss a new organization which was the United Nations, which could have 11 security council members, and a general assembly which every member could have 1 vote.
  • Yalta conference

    Yalta conference
    Roosevelt and Churchill met at Yalta to plan the post war, and the agreements made in Yalta played a big role in causing the war. The main discussion at the conference was Poland, because after they were invaded they were encouraged to set up a new government.
  • The Potsdam Conference

    The Potsdam Conference
    Truman, Stalin, and Potsdam met at Potsdam to work out a deal. At the conference Truman took a stand against heavy reparations from Germany. Truman made an agreement with the soviets, but to get them to agree offered Stalin a small amount of industrial equipment for other zones.
  • Red scare

    Red scare
    Clerk named Igor walked out of soviet em passions carried documents of soviets effort to infiltrate the government information about atomic bombs.
  • Presidents in office

    Presidents in office
    Some presidents were, Allen Pulles, Eisenhower, Ho cho , Kennedy, Nikita, McCarthy, Nasser, Nixon
  • Designing the United Nations

    Designing the United Nations
    Representatives from 50 countries came to San Francisco to officially organize the U.N. and design its charter
  • The U.N. responses to the war.

    The U.N. responses to the war.
    The U.N. held a general assembly, and passed a resolution that made genocide punishable internationally. The convention on the prevention and punishment of crime became the first U.N human right.
  • The long Telegram

    The long Telegram
    George Kennan responded to soviets refusal to budge by using the long telegram explaining his views of the soviets with a message that is thousands of words long. The telegram also circulated widely in Truman administration
  • The Iron Curtain Descends

    The Iron Curtain Descends
    On this day a speech was delivered in Fulton, Missouri, Churchill referred to an Iron Curtain falling which was a barrier that isolated soviets controlled countries across Eastern Europe.
  • The soviets Actions

    The soviets Actions
    President Roosevelt confronted the soviets telling them that their actions towards Poland unacceptable. Then the U.S. and Soviets became very hostile towards each other.
  • The Marshall plan

    The Marshall plan
    The Marshall plan gave European Nations American aid to rebuild their economies.The soviets rejected the Marshall plan and started their own program which separated Europe into competing regions.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Truman went to congress, asking for $400 million dollars to fight communist aggression in Greece and Turkey, and the speech he gave outlined the policy that became know ask the Truman doctrine and its goal was to aid those who worked to resist being controlled by others.
  • The Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift
    The Berlin Airlift began in June 1948, Soviet troops blockaded West Berlin hoping that he could force the U.S. to reconsider its decision its decision or abandon West Berlin. Truman sent bombers capable of carrying atomic weapons to bases in Britain, thinking to avoid war with the soviets. The Aircraft began in June 1948 and continued through spring of 1949 and brought more than 2 million tons of supplies to the city.
  • Creation of Nato

    Creation of Nato
    The Berlin blockade convinced many Americans that the soviets were bent on conquest, the public began to support the military alliance with Europe and by 1949 and agreement, was made to form the NATO, which included 12 countries.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Both Korean troops invaded the south. Truman called the U.N. To act in it and on September 15, 1950 McArthur ordered a daring invasion behind the enemy lines which took North Korea by surprise.
  • Duck and conver

    Duck and conver
    The duck and cover was a method for self protection against the nuclear explosions by the soviets. The first nuclear explosions made the public scared.
  • Rosenbergs

    The Rosenbergs were New York couples that were arrested for spying on the soviets and were apart of the communalists party. They were led by FBIsbut they denied their charges but were condemned to death?
  • McCathyism

    McCarthy gave a speech to the republican women in West Virginia and he said that communist were dangerous at home and aboard. He accused The Democratic Party leader of corruption and protecting communist.
  • Suez Canal

    Suez Canal
    Egyptian troops seized19561 control of Suez Canal and intended the use of its profits to pay for the dam
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Eisenhower Doctrine
    Eisenhower asked congress to authorize the use of military forces whenever president thought it was nessasary to essist the Middle East nations resisting communist aggressive. In July his concerns appreared to be confirmed when left wing rebels .
  • U-2 incident

    U-2 incident
    The soviets shot down the u-2 spy plane right before the the summit began in 1960. Eisenhower refused to apologize because he said that flights had protected American security.