Truman Doctorine
US provided help to countries who are near communism to help contain it -
US trying to make sure communism is contained and doesn't spread -
Marshall Plan
US gave 13 billion dollars to help rebuild Europe and their economy -
Council for Mutual Assistance -
National Atlantic Treaty Organization -
Korean War
south and North Korea have a civil war one was a communism and other Democratic -
elected president -
Korean war End
North Korea won and is communist -
The new prime minister of USSR after Stalin's death -
Warsaw Pact
Defense treaty for USSR -
the first satellite to orbit the earth during the space race -
Fidel Castro
Communist leader of Cuba -
Cuba taken by fidel
Fidel Castro overthrew the government and became leader -
American spy plane shot down by USSR -
Yuri Gagarin
First man to travel in space -
Bay of Pigs
Berlin Wall
Wall that the USSR built between east and west German -
John F Kennedy
elected president -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Ussr put Nuclear bombs in Cuba which made US scared and almost started a war -
Russian attempt of restoring -
Fall of Berlin Wall
Berlin wall was taken down