
Cold War Timeline

  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Iron Curtain Speech
    In March 1946 Winston Churchill gave the "Iron Curtain" speech at Westminster College. The Iron Curtain was believed to help stop the spread of communism.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    In June of 1947 the Marshall Plan was announced. The plan was to rebuild European economies to make communism less appealing.
  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
    In 1948 the Soviet Union blocked a West Allies railway in Berlin. The blockade cut off trade from the railways. However the airlift was an effort to bring supplies to people in West Berlin, it was sucsessful.
  • NATO Ratified

    NATO Ratified
    In April of 1949 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed. This alliance was to stop the Soviet Union to expand into Western Europe.
  • First Atomic Bomb

    The fist atomic bomb was created by the Soviet Union. It exploded on August 29th 1949 beginning a bomb creation war.
  • Warsaw Pact Formed

    Warsaw Pact Formed
    The Warsaw Pact was a political and military alliance established on May 14, 1955. This was between the Soviet Union and several Eastern European countries.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 was between the the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It was the moment when the two superpowers came closest to nuclear conflict.
  • Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

    Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    On the 5th of August the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was signed in Mascow. It was signed by the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom that banned all tests of nuclear weapons except those conducted underground.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Fall of Berlin Wall
    On the 9th of November government officials opended up the walll and were letting people through. People bgan to chip away at the wall to show its fall.
  • Cold War Ends

    Cold War Ends
    In December 1991 the Cold Wqar ended. This war lasted a total of 46 years.