America drops the first atomic bomb
Name of bomb "little boy" -
Russia declares war on Japan
America drops second atomic bomb
Name is "Fat man" -
Japanse surrender, end of World War 2
Japan and Germany are defeated
World War 2 ends. Japan and Germany are defeated -
Period: to
Cold War
Stalin speaks and preform a hostile speech
Truman demands Russia leaves Iran
Communists take over Czechoslovakia
NATO ratified
Berlin Blockade ends
Russia tests first atomic bomb
People's Republic of China
Communist Mao Zedong takes control of China and establishes PRC -
Korean war begins
A-bombs developed by Britain
Korean war ends
Warsaw pact formed
Explorer 1 is lauched
Sputnik lauched into orbit
A-bombed developed by France
John F. Kennedy elected President of The USA
Berlin border closed
Nuclear test ban treaty ratified
John F. kennedy is assassinated
A-bombs developed by china
Soviet army crushes the czechoslovkia revolt
Apollo 11 lands on the moon
President Nixon resigns
Hungary independent
Poland becomes independent
Communist falls in Czechoslovokia
Germany reunites