Cold war timeline

By JET048
  • America drops the first atomic bomb

    Name of bomb "little boy"
  • Russia declares war on Japan

  • America drops second atomic bomb

    Name is "Fat man"
  • Japanse surrender, end of World War 2

  • Japan and Germany are defeated

    World War 2 ends. Japan and Germany are defeated
  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Stalin speaks and preform a hostile speech

  • Truman demands Russia leaves Iran

  • Communists take over Czechoslovakia

  • NATO ratified

  • Berlin Blockade ends

  • Russia tests first atomic bomb

  • People's Republic of China

    Communist Mao Zedong takes control of China and establishes PRC
  • Korean war begins

  • A-bombs developed by Britain

  • Korean war ends

  • Warsaw pact formed

  • Explorer 1 is lauched

  • Sputnik lauched into orbit

  • A-bombed developed by France

  • John F. Kennedy elected President of The USA

  • Berlin border closed

  • Nuclear test ban treaty ratified

  • John F. kennedy is assassinated

  • A-bombs developed by china

  • Soviet army crushes the czechoslovkia revolt

  • Apollo 11 lands on the moon

  • President Nixon resigns

  • Hungary independent

  • Poland becomes independent

  • Communist falls in Czechoslovokia

  • Germany reunites