Yalta Conference
Victory in Europe Day
Potsdam Conference
Japanese Surrender
"Iron Curtain" Speech
Truman Doctrine
Truman said the the US would provide political, military and economic assistance aid to ay nation that would commit to Democracy. -
Marshal Plan
The US gave $13 billion to help rebuild/restablish countries that suffered during WW2. -
Berlin Blockade/ Airlift
Jun 24 '48 - May 12 '49. The USSR created a blockade of all rail, road, and water communications between Berlin and the West. This was supposed to inhibit the democratic region of from getting supplies. But instead the Western region sent airplanes to drop all of the necesery supplies. -
Comecon Created
NATO Established
North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO. It was the United States, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Iceland, Canada, and Portugal. -
China becomes Communist
Vietnam is divided
Korean War
June 25, 1950 – July 27, 1953. -
KBG Established
Warsaw Pact Established
The Warsaw Pact was a mutual defense organization that put the Soviets in command of the armed forces of the states under their rule. -
Suez Crisis
First manmade object that was put in space, (USSR). It collected data from the atmosphere. -
Fidel Castro Takes Over Cuba
U2 Spy Plane Shot Down
First Man in Space (Yuri Gagarin)
He orbited around the world in 89 minutes, he was the first human ever to be launched into space. (USSR) -
Bay of Pigs
CIA-financed and trained group of Cuban refugees land in Cuba to try and overthrow Castro, they fail horribly. -
First American in Space (Alan Shepard)
He was the first american to travel to space. -
Nicaraguan Revolution Start
1961 to 90 -
Berlin Wall Built
The Berlin Wall is a massive wall that divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989, built by East Germany (GDR) starting on 13 August 1961, that completely cut off West Berlin from surrounding East -
Cuban Missile Crisis
USSR built missiles sites in Cuba -> US got mad. Demnaded that the sites were taken down. USSR said they would if they took down sites in Turkey. -
Gulf of Tonkin Incident/ Resolution
Domino Theory
Used to justify the US's intervention in other states affairs. -
Six-Day War
Tet Offensive
Apollo 11 Lands on the Moon
First humans to ever land on the moon. #murica. -
Yom Kippur War
Oct 6- 26 -
Vietnam War
Nov. 1, 1955 - April 30, 1975. War between North and South Vietnamese (Communism vs. Democracy). -
Iranian Hostage
Iran-Contra Affair
Late 1980s. Policy adopted by USSR government creating 'openness' in the government, so that more people can contribute to the political process in the country. -
Tiananmen Square
Economic and political transparency promoted by Gorbachev. Late 1980a. -
Communist Governments in Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria fall
Berlin Wall Falls
The Berlin wall falls down break downt the barrier between east and west Berlin. -
Poland Becomes Independent
Hungary Becomes Independent
Mikhail Gorbachev
Germany Reunite
Warsaw Pact Ends
Boris Yeltsin President of Russia
USSR Dissolved