Cold War Timeline

  • Yalta Conference

    This meeting was to decide the post-war status of Germany. It was decided to divide Germany into four occupation zones. The Allied nations agree that free elections are to be held in all countries occupied by Nazi Germany. In addition, the new United Nations are to replace the failed League of Nations.
  • Potsdam conference

    US President Harry S. Truman informs Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin that the United States has nuclear weapons.
  • Stalin Hostile Speech

    Joseph Stalin gives a speech preaching to the public how he believes Communism is the only answer and how as long as Communism rules, he will.
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Winston Churchill delivers speech explaining how there is an unspoken divide within Europe known as the "Iron Curtain". The sides are split between those in favor of Communism and those who are not.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Doctrine starts with giving aid to Greece and Turkey in order to prevent them from falling into the Soviet sphere
  • Marshall Plan

    Plan to fund countries to prevent war and communist rule in European countries
  • NATO Ratified

    NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty. NATO was made to protect the freedom of its 28 members
  • Russia Tests First Atomic Bomb

    This is just one of the many occurances in the contribution to the arms race that was the basis of the Cold War
  • Truman Approves H-Bomb Development

    This was America's way of keeping up in the arms race. Each bomb would be more destructive than the last and countires (mainly America and Russia) would fight to get bigger and better quicker.
  • Fall of Pyongyang

    Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, falls to United Nations forces
  • ANZUS Treaty

    Australia, New Zealand, and the United States sign. This compels the three countries to cooperate on matters of defense and security in the Pacific.
  • NATO expansion

    Greece and Turkey join NATO.
  • Arms Race continues

    The United States tests their first thermonuclear bomb
  • US submarine nuclear bomb

    The United States launches the world's first nuclear submarine, USS Nautilus. The nuclear submarine would become the ultimate nuclear deterrent.