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Cold War Timeline

By khanr
  • “Two down and One to go, US War Department, Informational, 1945 ”

    “Two down and One to go, US War Department, Informational, 1945 ”
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The diplomatic meeting between the world’s main leaders, Churchill, FDR, and Stalin. The meeting occurred before the conclusion of WW2. The main intentions were to establish what would happen to the world once the war had concluded. Focuses included: German Reparation, the creation of UN, Fate of Poland and Partitioning of Germany.
  • Potsdam Conference - (July 17th - August 2nd, 1945)

    Potsdam Conference - (July 17th - August 2nd, 1945)
    The meeting put the focus on formally partitioning and dividing Germany and Austria into four zones. This meeting created an issue of power in Germany between the numerous powers controlling it. It would be the borders declared here that would play a huge part in the numerous attempts of escape from Eastern Berlin in the Cold War.
  • Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech (March 5th, 1946)

    Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech (March 5th, 1946)
    Winston Churchill spoke to the Westminster College alumni and acknowledged the fact that Europe had been divided into two territories, and was bringing it to the population’s attention.
  • Truman Doctrine - (March 12th, 1947)

    Truman Doctrine -  (March 12th, 1947)
    The Truman Doctrine, when delivered, promised the lands affected by WW2 help in both economy and food. The main goal of the doctrine was to aide the countries in Western Europe such that they would be able to remain strong capable of defending off Soviet Power. For instance, Truman had aided both Greece and Turkey, two nation in close proximity to Soviet land, by removing communism and proving. Therefore, this doctrine aided in the eventual dismantling of Soviet power in Europe.
  • Marshall Plan (June 5th, 1947)

    Marshall Plan (June 5th, 1947)
    The Marshall Plan was a program which would go on to donate over 12 billion dollars to the countries in Europe so that they could rebuild their cities. This bill was downright despised by Stalin, as it gave money only to the Western countries when all of Europe needed the money.
  • Germany Currency Reformation (June 20, 1948)

    Germany Currency Reformation (June 20, 1948)
    A currency reform was urgently needed to facilitate the introduction of the Marshall Plan, eliminate the black market, and create a more favorable ratio between available goods and the amount of money in circulation.
  • The Berlin Blockade (June 24, 1948)

    The Berlin Blockade (June 24, 1948)
    Soviet forces blockaded rail, road, and water access to Allied-controlled areas of Berlin in an attempt to starve out the French, British, and American forces from the city. The United States and the United Kingdom responded by airlifting food and fuel to Berlin from Allied airbases in western Germany.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization Creation (April 1949)

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization Creation (April 1949)
    Washington’s solution to stopping Communism by creating a national military dedicating to fighting for the cause. Consists of 15 North American and Western European members who pledged to come to the aid of one another if attacked.
  • Soviet Detonation of Atomic Bomb (August 29, 1949)

    Soviet Detonation of Atomic Bomb (August 29, 1949)
    The Soviet Union launched its first atomic bomb. It came as a great shock to the United States because they were not expecting the Soviet Union to possess nuclear weapon knowledge so soon. Previously, the United States had used two atomic bombs on Japan to cause them to surrender during World War II. The impact that the possession of nuclear weapons by the Soviet Union had upon the United States was that it caused Americans to question their own safety.