Cold War Timeline

  • Yalta Confrence

    A meeting consisting of the three allies Frank D. Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, and Winston churchill of WW2. They discussed what was next for the defeated Germany and for the rest of the eastern European nations.
  • Stalin's hostile speech

    Joseph Stalin delivered a speech in Moscow on the recent victory of WW2. The leader had blamed the consequences of war on the capitalist nations and ideals.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman had announced he was to provide military services as well as political to the democratic nations in Europe. This was against the normal involvement where the US would sit and watch, he was looking for more allies.
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    Berlin Blockade

    After the US announced a new policy supporting allies in the west the soviets cut off all supplies and railroads into west Berlin cutting it in half. The blockade had left over 2 million Russians with no electricity, and after the Berlin Airlift the blockade was like in May 1949.
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    The Berlin Airlift

    A military operation to supply west Berlin with cargo planes from France, Britain, and America. It lasted for 11 months with the planes supplying about 8000 tons of supplies daily.
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    The Arms Race

    Competition between the two power nations the Soviet Union and the US for superior weapons. The Soviet Union had set off an atomic bomb and signaled the arms race to begin.
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    The Korean War

    A conflict between the communist North Korea and the democratic South Korea. The north was receiving support from the communists in china and out of fear of the US occupying the south they set Chinese troops across the Yalu river.
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    The Space Race

    This conflict over control of space exploration lasted roughly 20 years. The two nations had continued to top each others feats over and over for control of power. Neil Armstrong had landed on the moon signifying the US had won.
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    The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The confrontation between the US and Soviet Union that came inches from nuclear warfare. The US had discovered ballistic missiles from a spy plane in Cuba just 90 miles from the homeland.
  • Perestroika and Glasnost

    Perestroika or "restructuring" was a number of reforms made by Mikhail Gorbachev. These reforms served the purpose of fixing the Russian economy and eventually led to the collapse of the USSR. Glasnost was to reopen the government, making the government lose some of its power. This had signaled the end of the extremist side of the communists and the end of the conflict.