Cold War Timeline

  • United Nations

    Roosevelt conviced Stalin to agree to join a new world organization propsed by the allies. The United Nations was designed to encourage international cooperation and prevent war.
  • Yalta Conference

    The primary goal of the conference was to reach an agreement on what to do with postwar Europe. Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill agreed on plans for governing the soon-to-be conqured Germany.
  • Potsdam Conference

    The Potsdam Conference took place amid growing ill will between the Soviet Union and the other allies.The Allies discussed many issues concerning postwar Europe, but often had difficulty reaching agreement.
  • The Iron Curtain

    The Iron Curtain symbolized the division of Europe into two sperate areas. Winston Churchill said that this division was a serious threat to peace.
  • Marshall Plan

    Western Europe was laid in ruins and needed aid to help them get back to their feet. Since the soviets wouldn't do it the president of the United States decided to help them out by giving them 13 billion to rebulid most of Europe.
  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    The Soviets announced that they would block all road, rail, or river traffic into western Berlin. Western leaders refused to give in. They orginized the Berlin Airlift, a massive effort to supply West Berlin by air.
  • War in Korea

    After Japan's surrender in WWII, the Allies had gained control of the Korean Peninsula. The Soviet Union and the United States agreed to temporarliy devide the country in half.
  • Hydrogen Bomb Production

    In the fall of 1952 the United States tested the first fusion-powered hydrogen bomb with spectacualr results. Completely Vaporizing the island on which the bomb was tested.
  • Warsaw Pact

    In 1955, the Soviet Union and the Communist nations of eastern Europe formed their own alliance called the Warsaw Pact.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organiztion

    In the aftermath of the airlift the United States, Canada, and most Western Europe countires joined together in a military alliance. The NATO was designed to counter Soviet power in Europe.