Cold War Timeline

  • Period: 1962 BCE to 1962 BCE

    Cuban Missile Crisis

    In October 1962, the Soviets had put the nuclear missiles in Cuba,which is really close to the Florida.American fears were this missiles could reach U.S. cities within minutes. The Soviets agreed to remove the missiles. And the United States promised not to invade Cuba.
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    Division of Germany

    After World War II,Germany was divided into 4 zones under the control of the United States,Britain,France and the former Soviet Union.Soldiers began the work over the night for build a wall, and soon the wire wall became a six-foot-high, 96-mile-long wall of concrete blocks, complete with guard towers, machine gun posts and searchlights.The Berlin Wall was one of the most powerful and iconic symbols of the Cold War.East and West Germany became one nation again after they dismantle the wall
  • Period: to 1953 BCE

    Korean War

    World War II divided Korea into a Communist,northern half and an American occupied southern half,divided at the 38th parallel.The Korean War began when the North Korean Communist army crossed the 38th Parallel and invaded non-Communist South Korea.MacArthur crossed the 38TH Parallel and pursued the North Korean army. In 1953 a peace treaty was signed at Panmunjom that ended the Korean War,returning Korea to a divided status essentially the same as before the war.
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    Space Race

    On October 4,1957 the Russians placed the first successful satellite into orbit.In 1959, the Soviet space program step forward with the launch to the moon.In April 1961, the Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person to orbit Earth.On May 5 1961,astronaut Alan Shepard became the first American in space, and in February 1962,John Glenn became the first American to orbit Earth.In 1975,the joint Apollo-Soyuz mission sent three U.S. astronauts into space with a Soviet-made Soyuz vehicle.
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    Tet offensive

    On the early morning of January 30,1968,Viet Cong forces attacked 13 cities in central South Vietnam,Viet's most important holiday Lunar year.The combined forces of the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese Regular Army launched a major offensive throughout South Vietnam.The Tet Offensive played an important role in weakening U.S. public support for the war in Vietnam.The U.S. and South Vietnamese military response almost completely eliminated the NLF forces and regained all of the lost territory.